Universal Rules

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These are rules that will occur for all Games; they are to be followed at all times.

Our Games also run in Central Time. We find that is the easiest time zone to run by.

Universal Rules: 

1. Every one of the Games will be open to anyone. But, the newest Games has to be open for at least a day before the previous people from the previous Games may enter/reserve a spot.

2. You may only have one tribute per Games.

3. If you have do not submit two entries in a row, you will be eliminated.

4. All entries must be turned in on time, and if they aren't for whatever reason, you will lose points from your score.

5. You shall not disrespect other tributes, or anone in general of our Games. Or you shall be punished.

6. To join our Games, you must fan/follow our account. No exceptions.

7.  If you happen to learn about another's entry, don't copy it and claim it as yours.

8. Our word is final, should you complain or spam us about how unfair you think we're being, you will not be asked to join another one of our competitions.

More rules may be added over time.

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