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Jennifer's POV

I walked in the firm with a smile on my face, Harry never fails to make me smile every day, He again slept at my apartment like he always does, I know what were doing is so unethical, it is so wrong, But I love Harry so much i'd rather be wrong.. Besides, he promised that he'll divorce Jillian and i'm willing to wait for him until it finally happens.

"What's up with those faces?" I said as I finally saw Lauren and my co workers with a bland face.

"You weren't answering my calls Jennifer, i've been calling you since last night!" Lauren said

"Hey calm down, I was sleeping when you're calling."

"Oh really? You were never sleeping.. Where were you last night? I knew you left the party early, where did you go?" She ask as if she's interrogating me.

"Lauren.. I don't need to tell you where I was last night or what I am doing okay? We have a job here, we have a client to defend."

"That's the problem. OUR problem. the reason i'm pissed early this morning. Our client Emily Reese, is in big trouble, the guy she assaulted rape made a statement he didn't force her! Turns out she agrees with it, It's a one night stand, Jen."

"What?? You mean she lied? How did this happen? How did you let this happen?!"

"Maybe you should ask yourself that, you were so busy last night.. Remember?" She said

I looked at her for a moment and realized she's right, this was on me. It was my fault.

"Call her and tell her to be here..." I said walking out from them..

I sat at my chair and tries to relax for a moment, way to ruin a good mood I have. Everytime I am with Harry, I never answer calls related to work, He will hide my phone everytime he's with me. I mean that's Harry, it's very hard to say no..

"She's here.." Lauren said

I nod at her as I went out..

"You lied to us.. You weren't rape by him.." I said to Emily, our client.

"Yes I lied.. It's his fault I did this! He promised me, he told me he love me, but turns out he is fucking married! What kind of guy would do that? This is my way to ruin his life.." She said so mad.

"Emily, we don't ruin life, we don't revenge here.. We help people, we defend them for as long as we could.. I prosecute the wrong person, that's what I do.. And you are the wrong person here, You don't need defending, Maybe you should find a new lawyer." I said about to stand up

"So you are the clean kind of lawyer? Oh please!! There's no such thing as a good lawyer.. Lawyers are dirty. they lie for their client,I hired you to be my lawyer because I thought you were good enough to win this case, to switch stories, to dig dirts about him!"

"I don't ruin other people's life. You need to let this go and accept that he has a family and he's not going to leave them for a one night sex." She looked at me with glaring eyes.

What I said was probably below the belt,but she needs to hear it.

"I know you love that guy, and if you love him enough, Let this go Emily, Start over again.."

"You don't tell me what to do here.. Maybe you're right, I should find a whole new lawyer that can help me with this..." She said as she grabs her bag and leave.

"That girl needs medication, She's crazy.. I regret I force you to take her case, Sorry about that.." Lauren said.

"That's okay, Let's just work with another case" I said walking to my office

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