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My eyes snap open, I'm freaking out. Stay calm Dylan, that was only a dream. Or was it? I sat upright and found sweat drenching my pillow and blankets. I trudged over to my washroom to wash off the nightmare. The pain was almost too real to be a dream, I thought. I was right. When the light turns on, I felt like my world was collapsing. Was I still in the dream?

My shirt is ripped open where my shoulder blades are, crystalline wings sprout from my back. Black inked marks spread all over my body and my eyes glowed purple. I'm a monster. I am an actual monster. To check if I was still dreaming, I tried to pinch myself. Just as I was about to, I feel the crystal. The crystal was still embedded in my arm. Moving up my forearm I pinch. Two words: bad idea. In defense, my wings flap up and I'm shot upwards, purple fire shoots from my hands as it dissipates at the mirror. Great. I'm not dreaming. Just as I wonder what to do about all this, My wings shrink and sink into my back. The marks on my body disappear, and my eyes go back to normal.  It seems as though that I am able to change from my normal self to the monster as I feel. This is the first good thing that has happened since the dream. 

I check my clock to see what time it is. 6:59. A minute before my parents wake me up. I go to my bed and pretend to sleep as my mother walks right into the room.  

"Time to go to school, you have half an hour before Dad drives you, get changed and come down for  breakfast," my mother says.

I pretend as though nothing is wrong. After I arrive at school, the only thing I look forward to is going home. My parents usually come home late, so I have three hours to discover more about my new powers. 

When I arrived home, I tried to summon my wings. I tried to push them out of my back, I went with full force to try and get them to come out but nothing happened. I lifted my sleeve and tried to pinch my arm, as my hand reached for the crystal, it happened. The wings came out of my back, and the patterns spread on my body. Darkness spread across the room. There was a dark mist circling around me. I decided to go outside to try everything. I threw my hand up in the air, and a shadow spiked up and stabbed a bird in the heart. I could not control my powers. The darkness was taking over me. Then I came up with a brilliant idea. Yuno stated that I could control crystals and metals, materials of the ground. I put my hand on the ground and willed it to make myself a cave. The Earth rumbled, the ground underneath me collapsed upon itself. I fell feet first into a pit of crystals. I was in a room about the size of my backyard. I moved my hand sideways, up, left, right, all sorts of directions to create a crystal ceiling above me. Moving my hand forward, a black fireball shot out of my hand.  I went on a series of shooting fireballs and lightning all around me. I stomped on the ground, metal and crystal spikes shot up from the ground, and I gained a genius idea. 

I stomped on the ground again, a layer of metal covered my entire body like armor. I thrust my hand forwards and iron shillings shot out my arm, shredding a wall of crystal. Adrenaline flooded through my veins, I stomped once more. A crystallised throne erupted from the ground, right where I can sit. 

However, mere crystals will not win me a battle. I threw my hand up, dark swirls of mist came from my hands. Skeletal bodies mystically appeared from the mist.

"Kneel, stand, move," I commanded the skeletons with ease. The dozens of skeletons bowed to my will. I was in control of so many elements, I felt that I could even win the world. I spent the next hour experimenting with my powers. It was the most excited "me" I have ever been.

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