Meet & greet

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It's a late saturday night, Elena is sitting at home writing in her diary while waiting for Stefan to come home. Suddenly she hear a sound move past her in incredible speed. She turns around and her heart jumps.

Katherine walks slowly towards her doppelganger, who cant move due to the fear building up inside her.

"what are you doing here?" Elena says in a low voice.

"looking for you cupcake" Katherine smiles

"why??" Elena was now looking for an escape.

"Well...first of all you are a less prettier version of me, but because I'm flawless, you atleast look decent.." Katherine said in a teasing voice, even though she knew Elena was beautiful, just like herself.

"that doesnt" "hush" Katherine is now pushing Elena against the couch

"If you tell anybody about this I Will have to kill you, understood?" "Yes" A tear fall down Elena's cheek.

Katherine & Elena: To love yourselfWhere stories live. Discover now