High school

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Elena's pov:

I entered the big doors of Beacon Hills High school,  sighting thinking about the fact that I had to go to school, again.  I look around wondering which one of the students were actually supernatural. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going and ended up bumping into someone. The poor person dropped all of their books and their coffee. Without saying a word I bow down and try to help the pick their books up, of course they are soaking wet because of the coffee. I look up and I'm greeted by two very angry looking blue eyes. I realise it's Malia. 

It looks like she wants to bite my head off, but then a boy comes running over and grabs her. He starts talking to her and eventually her eyes turn brown.  I try to listen to what they are saying but the noise of the hallway is too much. I groan and start walking towards my first class, which apparently is math. I hate math. As I enter the classroom all the noise stops, I suddenly feel very aware that I'm the new girl, the new meat. All the boys are staring at me, the girls are too. I'm not sure if they are jealous that the boys are giving me so much attention, or if they think I look good. I know I look good, I look like Katherine. I head over to the teachers desk to let him know my name and I ask him where he wants me to sit. He points over to a desk almost in the back, I smile happily before heading over to my new wonderful desk. I was being ironic. 

The class is about to start when Malia enters the room, her eyes scan the classroom and when she locks eyes with me I feel a shiver down my spine. She makes some weird noise, I think it's because she saw me. She starts walking towards me and when she's right in front of me I feel really intimidated. Why? I have no idea. The last person who made me feel this way was Katherine. I suddenly felt the urge to fight Malia, to let her know that she can't stare at me like I'm her dinner. Right as I'm about to stand up she sits down next to me, and I relax. 

The class goes by slowly, I'm not even really paying attention. I'm sneaking glances over at Malia until she catches me staring and I sink even deeper into my chair, if that's possible.

The bell rings and as fast as I can manage I escape the classroom ready for my next class, hoping Malia isn't in it. I see my bad luck haven't stopped, she once again sits next to me and I close my eyes trying to think about Katherine, hoping she's okay.

I managed to fall asleep and get sent into the principals office on the first day, which wasn't super embarrassing. I'm being ironic again. I hate Rebekah for making me do this, I hate myself for not being able to do anything about it. 

The school day ends and I head back to my hotel falling asleep instantly, I need a plan and I need it now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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