You're Fireing me!? (Merthur)

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So on my way to Yolo California, (yes, Yolo is a real place in California. We're that retarded) and I was so bored. So I asked my friends (Ninjaeclipse, kjs131415 and Midnightwolf12) told me to ship Merlin and Arthur. SO I DID SO! Why? Because! Thats why!!! So on with the show, Alonz-y  


Camelot was booming with life. Merlin was taking a tray of food up to prince Arthur, or as he knew him, his royal pain. Yes, it was awful having to hide the fact that he was, by far, the most powerful person in all of Camelot, but if he let the prince know, who knows what'll happen. He hoped that Arthur would accept him. In his mind, Arthur was everything. Ever since he really began to know the young prince, he started to love him. He knew nothing could happen though and he needed to stay in the dark about that too.  

Merlin opened the door of Arthur's chambers and let himself in. The prince was shirtless in bed, still sleeping. He looked so calm and peaceful. Like all the stress was just wiped clean off his face.  

Merlin approached him carefully. He set the food down on the table then proceeded to wake him.  

"Arthur, time to wake up." He whispers. Arthur turns over in his sleep and was now facing the servant. "Come on, up and at em."  

He mumbled something, so Merlin put his ear closer to his face.  

"......... Merlin...." He murmurs. "I..."  

Merlin snapped himself backward, which startled the sleeping prince.  

"MERLIN!" He exclaimed, "How long have you been there?!"  

"Uh-uh only a few minutes!" He stammers standing up. "I'm sorry-" 

"Oh it's okay."  

Merlin just stood there. Dumbfounded.  

"Did you just say it's okay?"  

"Now, I know you're an idiot, but you aren't deaf."  

"You mean I'm not going deaf."  


Merlin laughed to himself. "Okay, sorry."  

After a few moments, Arthur asks. "So.... When I was asleep... Did I say anything?"  

"Well this is unusual..." The Magician mused aloud.  

"Just answer the question."  

"... Well... You did sort of mumble something..."  

"What was it?!" Arthur seemed urgent.  

"You said... You said my name." Merlin stuttered a bit.  

Arthur was quiet. He looked down, then sat on his bed. "Merlin... You're just hearing things. I'm sorry, but, I just. I just can't. I don't feel the same. My father would have a fit if I loved a servant, anyway."  

Tears were starting to fill Merlins eyes. He nodded and said something under his breath that the prince barely heard, "but you dreamed of it..."  


It was now the end of the day and a low hearted Merlin was bringing his prince his dinner. The whole day he hardly spoke to Arthur. He had no idea how he could face him after that morning's conversation.  

This time, Merlin knocked on the door and came in with his head down. Arthur was sitting at his desk writing something.  

"Merlin." He called for his servant. The secret sorcerer approached the prince. He held up parchment to Merlin and said, "I'm sorry."  

Merlin read to his horror what Arthur had scribbled on the paper. Arthur was letting him go!  

"You can still live here in the castle and help Gauss. But you are no longer my servant." Arthur said solemnly.  

Merlin just nodded, and fighting back tears, he turned on his heel and approached the door. Before he opened it, Arthur says from his desk, "Merlin." 

He stopped dead in his tracks. Arthur approached him and turned him around. He took the note and threw it aside and grabbed Merlins waist and pulled him towards him.  

"Now nothing can stop me from doing this." He took Merlin's face in his other hand and pressed his lips against his former servants. Merlin gasped in shock and the prince took his chance to invade his mouth with his tongue. Merlin moaned under him and tangled his fingers in the others hair. All he could think about was Arthur. Suddenly, Arthur pushed Merlin against the door and trapped him under his body. Arthur pulled away slowly and inhaled in his scent. Then Merlin closed the distance between them by pressing his lips against the princes. He wrapped his arms around the others neck to deepen the kiss. Arthur let a deep moan escape from the back of his throat which drove Merlin mad. Arthur pushed him up against the door entierly and moved from his lips to his cheeks, then down to his neck. Merlin moaned, Arthurs name, then gently pushed Arthur off of him.  

"Stop..." Merlin says quietly. Arthur looked a Merlin with a confused look plastered on his face. "I-I don't understand. You sacked me..." 

"No. That simply means you aren't my servant anymore. My father wouldn't tolerate us. Even if you weren't a servant. At least there was one thing that you aren't."  

Merlin smiled. "But I love working for you."  

Arthur came close to him and took him by the waist. "After tonight, I'll give you the position back. But for now...."  

Merlin closed the distance between them with a small kiss. Arthur took his hand and led him to the bed (oh I know what you're thinking! ;D)  

"Arthur, I-I don't know..."  

"It's okay. I'm not ready either." He confessed sheepishly. "Lets just lay here." 

Merlin nodded and kicked off his shoes. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Arthur take off his shirt. Then Merlin removed his shirt and laid next to friend. Arthur hugged him from behind. He whispered "I love you, Merlin."



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