"Smoking Kills." 3 (part one) Eyes bright

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Month six (part one)

"Smoking kills."

"So do the haters."


It was now the beginning of summer, and Zaire and I were on our way to Zaire's friend, Jace's house. He had a huge pool in the back apparently, along with a lake behind the pool that had a whole bunch of turtles and fish.

Turtles were my favorite animal so I was very excited. Zaire was more excited about all the alcohol and drinks and all his friends than the turtles but I could see why.

We got to the huge house and went up to the door with our bags filled with clothes we would need for the week. Just as I was about to knock on the door, Zaire slammed the door open and walzed right in.

I was scared that Jace would get mad at us for walking right in, so I stayed put. Everyone cheered about Zaire's arrival and he hugged and said hello to everyone.

One of the girls looked at me and frowned. "Zaire, your weird girlfriend is just standing there again."

Zaire rolled his eyes, "She's not weird, Joy."

I was ecstatic that he said that for me, but still didn't move.

Zaire turned around and walked towards me, "Babe, it's okay, you can come inside."

"Jace won't get mad I didn't knock, will he?"

Zaire chuckled and shook his head. "Babe, he's going to be fine, okay? Did he look like he was mad at me?"

I shook my head. "But you're his friend."

"Yes, but he's happy he finally gets to meet you."

I smiled a bit, "Really?" He nodded, happily. "Okay."

I walked inside and he took my bag, but I didn't want him to because it could have been heavy and I didn't want to be annoying.

Later that day, we were all going to go in the pool. All the other girls were wearing very showy bikinis while I was wearing a one piece. I had very large breasts, so no matter how hard I tried to cover myself up, in fear they would think I was fat or I was a slut, it never worked.

The one piece was frayed at the top and was connected to the bottom half by a big curvy piece of cloth. I thought it was cute, but very showy compared to what I'd rather wear. Zaire liked it, though, so I bought it.

I walked out of the house in a strapless dress so I was covered a bit. I wanted to go in the lake and look for some turtles and fish, so I looked around to make sure no one was looking, and slowly dropped the dress.

I took one step and there were a whole bunch of wolf whistles that made me extremely uncomfortable, and the girls were slightly glaring at me.

I blushed and walked down to the edge of the lake. I dipped my feet into the water, that was slightly warm due to the heat of the summer sun, which was about to set.

I looked out across the lake and smiled as the sun beat against my skin. I felt a tickle at my toes and looked down. I smiled and gave a small laugh at the small turtle that was climbing on my feet. I bent and picked it up in my hands, that were also cupping up some of the water.

I stood up straight and brought the turtle close to my face. It nipped at my nose and I chuckled.

I turned and walked up to the table with the cups and plates. I grabbed three plates and walked back down to the water. I got some of the water on the plate.

When we were eating our hot dogs and burgers, I set the plates and turtle on the table next to my drink.

"Ew, why is there a turtle on the table," someone asked.

"Because I like turtles," I retorted back to them.

The girl, Joy I think, looked at Zaire.

He shrugged, "They're her favorite animal."

"Well get it off the table, it's disgusting."

A thought came to my mind and I picked up the turtle that I named Roger. I stood up and walked around the table to where the girl was sitting. She didn't notice me until I set Roger on her head.

He eyes widened as she looked to my spot at the table. Then she screamed and stood up. I grabbed Roger before he fell off her abnormally large head and died on the ground.

She jumped up and down, swatting at her head, before turning to me and glaring. "You're such a freak," she spat.

"And you're such a bitch," I said, holding Roger in my hands.

She walked away, pouting, and I burst out laughing. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked back to my seat and sat down. I set Roger back on the plates and fed him a piece of lettuce.

Everyone at the table had large eyes as they stared at me. Without looking up, I said, "What are you all looking at?"

Their jaws dropped and they blinked. I looked up and one of the men closed his mouth. "I didn't even know you could speak. I thought you were mute."

I shook my head, "Nope."

Another man spoke, "I like her."

There was a chorus of agreements as I blushed. Zaire, who was sitting next to me, wrapped his arm around me.

"I told you they would like you," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled at him, eyes bright.

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