"Smoking Kills." 3 (part two) Explanation

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Month six (part two)

"Smoking kills."

"So does love."

I nodded in agreement.


The next day, we were all eating pizza for dinner, well, Roger was eating a strawberry.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves in the kitchen, drinking beer and taking shots, while I was conversing with Roger about Miley Cyrus in the living room, sitting criss cross applesauce.

"She's perfect."

"I realize she's always naked, but she's a nudist so..."

"She's also a vegan, like you."

"Oh, so you like her now?"

"Who are you talking about?"

I screeched as an unknown voice entered my hearing range. I turned and found one of the men that Zaire is friends with, standing above me, looking down at me.

"Miley Cyrus."

He nodded. "She's hot."

"She's nice."

"Have you met her before or something," he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

I nodded. "My bestfriend's cousin was related to her so when I went to like their holiday get togethers, I would see her."

His eyes widened. "Really? Could you bring me to one of their holiday things one time?"

"I'm not exactly friends with her anymore, so no."

"Well, what a shame. Anyways," he said sitting down like I was. "What's your turtle's name?"


He laughed, "Roger? That's a silly name for a turtle."

I shrugged, smiling. "I have an uncle named Roger."

"So do I."

"We are what those silly teenagers call 'hashtag twinsies,'" I said looking at him.

"Silly teenagers? How old are you?"


He chuckled after looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's your name," I asked.

"Max, and I would ask yours but everyone here knows your name."

I didn't know how, but I didn't ask.

"Why aren't you with the 'non-freaks?'"

He waved his hand. "Oh, don't listen to Joy. She's just jealous that even a turtle likes you whereas people don't even like her."

I smiled widely at him, urging him to answer my question.

"And I'm not with them because they are getting drunk and I'm not in the mood."

I nodded, but just as I looked up at them, I noticed Zaire wasn't at the table with everyone else, taking shots.

I furrowed my eyebrows and stood, setting Roger on the table and went to look for them. Max had a look of concern and followed after me, slowly.

We walked up the steps I looked in all the room, even if it was an invasion of privacy. We finally got to Zaire and I's room and I opened the door, which was locked. I turned to Max who's face darkened and I knew why.

I took the bobby pin out of my hair and unlocked the door within a few seconds. I put the bobby pin back in my hair and opened the door.

There was a girl in the bed and let's just say she wasn't alone.

Tears blurred my eyes and even though I knew it was coming, I turned and ran into Max's arms.

I slept in Max's room that night and when I awoke in the morning, I heard deep voices arguing.

"Why is she in your bed?!"

"Why did you sleep with Claire," Max yelled quite loudly

"I was drunk! I didn't know what I was doing." It was Zaire.

"Well you better have a better explanation for your girlfriend when she wakes up because she walked right into it!"

"What?" Zaire's voice got quieter. "She did?"

"Hell yeah she did! That's why she's in my bed! Because she was crying all night you fuckface!"

Zaire didn't come up with an explanation that was any better than that one.

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