The Fantasy

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You sighed, leaning back in your chair as you smiled. You just finished reading Jeff the Killer's story for, probably, the hundredth time. You just found his story so fascinating, even feeling sorry for him. Killer or not, he went through bullying. If you ever did meet him in real life, you'd give him a big hug, comforting him, perhaps you'd even bond with him? You knew exactly what it was like, getting bullied. Even more than that, you were abused by your father.

When you were only two years old, your mother sadly passed away due to a car crash. Your father thought it was all your fault for no reason and has hated you since. He never was keen on you as he wanted a son, but ended up with you. You felt your eyes sting as the memories of what your father said to you came back.

"You stupid bitch! This is all your fault! If you weren't even born, your mother would still be alive!" You whimpered, backing up into the corner of your room as your dad's tall frame hovered over your petite one. You clung tighter to your beloved teddy as he brought down a heavy textbook to your head, knocking you unconscious.

Salty liquid poured from your stinging red eyes. Burying your head and hugging your knees, you sobbed yourself to a dreamless sleep.
You were asleep for only an hour before waking up to a crashing sound. Jolting to a sitting position, you glanced at your digital clock that rested on your nightstand. It was only 1:30 am. A cold draft swept across the room, brushing softly against your bare shoulders. If it weren't for the fact you kept your window locked before going to bed, it would have been peaceful. Your heart rate increased as you turned your head slowly towards the window, but there was no one there.

"This is too cliche," you huffed under your breath. "I know someone's in here, I'm not stupid. Show yourself! I'm not scared!" You felt a sense of pride and courage bubble in you, causing a smirk to play across your lips. A shadow moved out of the corner of your eye, you jerked your head in that direction, (H/L) (H/C) strands of hair framing your face perfectly.

A 6'2 figure stalked towards you, he was slim but not very muscular. He wore a white hoodie stained with crimson substances, skinny black jeans, and black combat boots. He held a knife in his hand, his hair jet black and choppy. His'd know that face anywhere. It was white as paper, eyes never blinking and ringed with black. And his smile, was carved into his face, replicating the Cheshire Cat, crimson blood pouring from the cuts. This man, he was the one and only Jeff the killer!

Your eyes were wide with shock. "Je-ff..." you said softly, voice cracking a bit. He raised an eyebrow at you, attempting to frown.
"So you know who I am? Wow, you're just as smart as you are beautiful," he smirked, looking you up and down.
"What?!" You responded, a very deep blush creeping onto your face as you shut your eyes. Never in a millennium would you have expected him to break into your house, let alone him call you beautiful.

Your bed creaked, indicating more weight was added to it, and slowly opening your eyes you saw Jeff's tall figure hovering over your petite one. He brought his knife up to your face, gently dragging the blade across your skin. You shuddered - from the cold, from his seductive actions, and from what he said.
"S-stop," you giggled, pleasure building up inside up you.
"Oh? And why should I?" He questioned, smirking.
"I-it tickles," you laughed a bit more. He stopped, causing that pleasure in you to disappear, but it was your fault after all, as you told him to stop.

A thought struck you. He was Jeff the killer, yet he wasn't killing you. Why? "Hey, aren't you going to kill me?" You questioned, curiousity taking its toll on you. He raised an eyebrow.
"What? You want to die?" Your eyes widened at his words.
"O-of course not! It's just...your Jeff, the killer! You kill people! But..." You let the question hang in the air, silence filling the atmosphere, before he started chuckling. It became more passionate, eventually becoming an insane laughing fit.
"Oh, (Y/N)! You crack me up!" He exclaimed between laughs.
"Y-you know my name?" He didn't reply for a while, as he was occupied by laughing, but as soon as his fit died down he spoke.
"Hell yeah I do! I know everything about you! Anyways, I won't kill you because I see potential in you," he said, smiling...well, it's not like he had a choice. You only gave him a confused look, expressing you wanted him to elaborate. Rolling his eyes, he sighed. "Look, I know what your dad did to you, and I can tell that you resent him." You narrowed your eyes and scowled at the mention of your father. He was currently sleeping downstairs.
"So? What if I do," you replied coldly, not wanting to speak of him.
"Don't you kind of feel want to kill him?"

Rᴇᴅ Rᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ |Jᴇғғ x Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora