The Reality

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You sighed, leaning back in your chair as you smiled. You had just finished reading the sneak preview of the new book, coming out soon, for probably the hundredth time. It was part of your favourite series, [Favourite Series Name] and the second it came out, you knew you'd be the first to grab it. It was just the way you were when it came to books, much like how super fans of a certain band would try to be the first ones to get the new CD. That's what you were, a super fan of reading. It was not just a hobby to you, but a passion.

Scrolling down the page, your eyes narrowed in mischief. You could already purchase a digital copy of the book from Amazon, and you had the money for it, the only problem was you didn't have a credit card. Perhaps you could ask your mum or dad if they could use their card to buy it and you'll pay them back in cash? A grin crept up to your face as you were pleased with your plan. Opening a new tab you went on Amazon's website and immediately searched up the name of your book. There it was in big bold letters. [Name of Book]. Just as you were about to add it to your cart, your door swung open causing you to flinch. Turning your head to look in the direction of your door, you saw your mother, a not-so impressed look on her face.

"[Y/N], darling, it's almost eleven. Get to bed, tomorrow I'll need your help with cleaning the house."
"Okay mom, though I have a question!"
"You know how [Book Name] will be out in a couple of months? Well I kind of want to read it right now and they have a digital copy of it on Amazon. Can we buy it right now?"
"Sure, how are you going to pay for it?"
"I need to use your credit card to buy it, but I swear I'll pay you back in cash!"
Your mother pursed her lips, looking at your laptop screen, then back to you. "Okay, but wouldn't you rather have a hard copy?"
"I know, I'll get the hard copy once it comes out!"
"Then what's the point of having a digital copy?"
"I want to read it right now-"
"Then what's the point of a hard copy?"
"You won't get it mom, but I'll be paying for it myself, I just need your credit card."
"Tomorrow, now get to bed."

You groaned, closing your laptop and getting out of your chair, walking over to your mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Good night. I love you mommy!" You spoke in a baby voice, though really meaning those words. Your mother chuckled, returning the kiss, "I love you too sweetie, good night."

With that she closed the door and was off to bed as well. You sighed in awe, you were finally going to read it! Getting your pajama's, you made your way to the bathroom, taking a quick shower, brushing your teeth, changing, and you were soon in bed falling asleep.

A cool draft swept over your face, making you relax. You opened your eyes, glancing at the digital clock that stood on your desk. It's big, bold, red numbers read 1:42. Another draft of air swept over you, causing you to shiver. Getting out of bed, you closed your window when you realized something very wrong. You never opened your window at all before going to bed. A possibility was that your parents opened the window for you, but one; they never came back in your room after saying good night. Two; it was mid-October, they never opened the windows after mid-September. It's been a full month since the windows were last open.

Your heart rate increased rapidly as your breathing intensified. You felt warm air wash over the left side of your face and neck, as if someone were breathing on you. Your eyes widened in horror as you immediately turned around. Indeed there was a person standing beside you. You could barely make out their features as they tackled you. You both landed on your bed, the person straddling you down, pinning both your hands above your head with only one of their's. Opening your eyes, you wished you didn't. They were absolutely hideous! He was absolutely hideous! His skin was as white as printer paper, decorated with blood red. His eyes were ringed in black, it almost looked like he'd used charcoal to make those rings. The disturbing part was that he never blinked and his eyes were blood-shot, probably because all that dirt attacking his eyes had irritated them to the point they could be irritated no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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