He's My What?!!

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This is what Kangato looks like literally it's scary, but so damn hot! This is Hanako's - oh you'll find out in this chapter, as you can tell from the title.

Reminder of the story.

"I won't let you go my little moon flower." I heard his say whispering in my ear making me blush, and then my mind just instantly goes back to the dream I had. I look up at him seeing his face the first time, and then he looked like the man in my dream.

Back to story.

"Who are you?"I say with a blush on my face, as his hands go to my pink hair. He picks up a few strands of my hair, and lightly presses it against his lips and smiles at me. His silvery orange blonde hair hid his face that I couldn't see his face, just only his lips.

"We're going to be late for school, if we don't hurry." he said to me, and my mind went blank for a second until it registered in my mind that I was going to be late to school.

"Oh shit....." I said freaking out, and I somehow unconsciously grabbed his hand and pulls him along to school running as if my life depended on it.

*****At school*****

"We ma-de it....."I huffed and puffed trying to get air into my lungs, but then I looked around feeling alone for some reason. I look behind me seeing if there was a person, but everybody was gone.

"Wait what happen to everyone?" I ask myself hearing the bell for class rings.

"Oh shit....I'm late!" I yell to myself rushing to class quickly, I see my classroom door and put my hands on the door yanking it open.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I say yelling at the teacher out of breath again.

"Your late Miss. Kamari." the teacher said, but then I recognize his voice. I look up to see his face, and he was the guy from this morning.

"Your-" I started pointing at him.

"It's not nice to point Miss. Kamari." the man said to me, and my whole class laughed at me.

"As I was saying my name is Mr. Chikuro, and I'll be your teacher from now on. I hope we have a great time together class." Mr. Chikuro said, and this is my new teacher the pervert who grope my butt. I was pissed, so I just walked to my seat not giving a care in the world. I just stared through the window daydreaming, and wasn't listening to the teacher until I heard my name being called.

"Miss. Kamari, please read the next section please." Mr. what's his face name was, but I glared at him pissed that he interrupted my daydream. I felt someone poke my side, and I look over seeing a boy I didn't know sitting next to me.

"We are on the part of deep into that darkness." the male whispered to me. I stood up, having already memorized Edgar Allen Poe's poem The Raven in my head.

"Deep into that Darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before; But the silence was unbroken.-"

"Thank you Miss. Kamari, it seems you were paying attention to the lesson." Mr. pervert groping butts said. This pissed me off and I sat back down waiting for the bell to ring for lunch.

"I guess you didn't need my help." the boy next to me laughing quietly, and I looked at him studying him seeing if he was a threat or not. He had the most beautiful blue eyes that reminded me of cats, and his silky blonde hair that was spiky that could prick your finger if you'd touch it.

"Thanks for the line though." I said to him mumbling under my breath wishing I was at home sleeping.

"My name is Kuroko Nekoziya, nice to meet you." he said to me putting his hand out for me to shake his hand.

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