The Snuggles

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Okay I know it's been a few days, and I'm sorry for putting this up a little late. I was kind of having writers block here, but now it's cured!!!YAY! warned now that it may get a little sexual during this chapter, but I hope you like! As you see up top, Kangato is snuggling his's up to you what you want to fantasy little pervs....oh and just switch the guy when it becomes Kuroko's turn. That is why it's named the snuggles.

reminder of story

'Shikiyo...I hope he's okay....' I thought feeling bad for the little boy, wondering what happen to him; making him act like that. I look at him seeing him cringed in pain, looking scared in his sleep.

"Poor thing..." I says softly stroking his pale cheek.

"He'll be fine once we get him inside." Kuroko says, but I wonder what made him like this in the first place.

back to story

"Uh....what happen to Shiki?" Yoruki yells running over to us, and picks the young boy up from Kuroko's hands.

"He passed out in the garden." Kuroko says.

"We don't know what happen to him, we just got there...and the next thing we know he passes out on us." I say to them.

"Well....thank you Hanako, for helping my little brother." the Pervert says thanking me, and at that minute I felt tired; it's been a long day for me.

"How about you two stay the night here." Hisoka says patting both Kuroko and I on our backs.

"And you too, Kangato. Both you and your brother can spend the night as well." Yoruki says, and at that moment I didn't care I just wanted to sleep.

"Hanako, it's looks like your about to pass out. Hisoka take her to a empty room!" Yoruki yells at her brother, and I could feel Hisoka's hands on both my shoulders steering me into a direction; to where ever the bedrooms where. Once we got there to the bedroom I'll be staying in; the first thing I did was flop onto my bed, and started to dream.

---dream land---

"Hana-chan~ look there is little dipper!" a blonde haired male said having his body right next to mine, and I felt warm just sitting by him; then when I looked to my left there was a golden orange hair male laying next to me.

"Or....other wise known as the ursa minor." the male to my left said.

"Would you two stop competing, just for a little bit?!" I yell at the two, closing my eyes burn for me to shut them and just drifted off to sleep.

"Hanako...." they both say, and I feel both their bodies loom to each side of me; they take turns leaning down to kiss my lips.

"Your my star, Hana-chan." the blonde neko says to me.

"Kuroko...." I say staring into his blue eyes, until i'm cut off being kissed by a orange haired male; staring into his green eyes.

"You'll always shine brightly to me, Hanako." the male said smiling down at me.

"Kangato...." I say stunned staring at both of them.

----end of dream---

I feel warm hands wrap around my body; waking me from my dream, and I was getting pissed by the minute feeling someone groping my breast. I sit up quickly, but to be pulled back down into the person's chest; still groping my breast.

"Knock it off!" I yell trying to squeeze my body away from him, but no use; i feel the person's hot breath hit my neck. At that moment I knew he was smiling at my attempt to get away from him, and I turn my head slowly to see who was in bed with me; just seeing his green eyes I knew who it was.

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