Hermione is here!

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Chapter 1:

Harry's POV


"Almost done mum!" Ron responded. I couldn't help but laugh at how loud this household was, even though there are only the five people here at the moment.

"Must she always yell? Bloody hell that women is loud." Ron muttered. Ginny and I just laughed at him.

"Notice how it's only ever you she yells at?" I said to him.

"Oh do shut up Harry!" He said in response. Ginny giggled at the two of us. She was sitting in between my legs, and I had my arms around her, while Ron started to frantically throw things into his bag when he thought he heard footsteps. Ginny and I were packed, but Ron kept on stalling whenever we told him to pack.

"So are you boys excited to go back to school?" Ginny asked us, when suddenly a ginger cat walked in to Ron's room, followed by none other than Hermione! Not giving us a chance to answer the question, Ginny jumped up and almost knocked her over in a hug.

"You came early!" Ginny squealed, "Thank goodness! I didn't know how much longer I could take the company of two boys!" She said dramatically.

"Bloody hell Ginny! You're sooo dramatic!" We all laughed a lot before the girls came and sat down with us. Ginny positioned herself so her head was resting in my lap, and Hermione sat her stuff down before grabbing Crookshanks and seating herself on a cushion next to Ron.


In order for this story to work, you guys have to pretend that the Romione kiss didn't happen in The Deathly Hallows and that Ron is completely oblivious to the fact that Hermione likes him, ok? Thanks for reading!

"Did you see my mum? Was she still downstairs?" Ron asked Hermione.

"Yeah she was preparing dinner for us. Also your dad just arrived home."

"Ok good, because I am nowhere near done packing!" Ron let out a sigh.

"Oh honestly Ron, you're a wizard and you're doing it all by hand? Let me help" And with a swish of her wand the cupboards opened and all the robes and clothes he needed flew out and formed a line, then folded and jumped into his suitcase.

"I love magic! Thanks Hermione!" Ron exclaimed. Hermione blushed a light pink. I honestly don't know how he doesn't realise that Hermione likes him! He is so daft at times!

After that Hermione and Ginny both got up and headed to Ginny's room to finalise all of their packing. Soon after, Molly poked her head in and said,

"Oh my goodness Ron! You weren't lying when you said you were almost done packing! It's about time! Come on boys dinner is ready and Arthur and the girls are waiting down there!"
We both got up, and dragged our trunks down the stairs and loaded our things into the car. We then sat down for dinner, before going to bed, eager for it to be morning, as we would finally be going back to Hogwarts!


Hey guys! I'm sorry that this first chapter is quite short but I didn't want to write an essay if nobody is going to read it! Anyway, please comment if you would read it, and I will strive to update as much as I can!


Bella XOXO

Ooh baby baby! (A Dramione Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin