When they meet the baby

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I was holding Thea and walking down the stairs for breakfast and I decided to show them Thea. I made a drink for Thea and a drink for me. I sat down and Kawaii~Chan went. "Awe how Kawaii". Then Kawaii~Chan says. "Does Katlyen~Sama need her to have her own room"? I shrugged and said. "Not now". "Well I'm moving into the basement". Kawaii~Chan said and I smiled and said. "You don't have to do this Kawaii~chan". "Kawaii~chan knows but Kawaii~ chan just wants to". She said. Then Aphmau came down stairs. Partly sleepy. "Morning Katlyen, Morning Baby, and Morning Kawaii~Chan". She said. "WAIT GOOD MORNING BABY"!?! She said realizing that I was holding a baby. "Uh Katlyen who baby is that"? She asked. "Mine". I answered the question then explained and at the end of explaining I said. "This is Thea Alice Blue". (I don't know what Katlyen's last name is) "Kawaii~chan already said she's going to give Thea~chan her room". Kawaii~chan said. "I'm just curious were she's gonna sleep". I said. "Kawaii~Chan knows. The basement and it's good for Kawaii~Chan because that means more shippings in the shipping shrine". She said. She then bolts to her room and then gets all her stuff and bolts to the basement and then bolts back to the table and says. "Done". Thea looked at her funny and then I remembered we needed to finish breakfast and go shopping for baby stuff. We also need to find a babysitter for Thea. I know Jefferoey would do it but I would have to explain it to him and all so I really don't want to do that but then again I would have to explain it to everyone or just call in a favor. After breakfast I said. "To Jefferoey's house". When we got there I rang the doorbell and when Jefferoey answers he looks at Thea then at me and said. "What happened"? "Oh this baby was on my door step and I decided to keep her and name her Thea so yeah can you watch her I'm sure her and Abby would get along"? I said. "Let me guess your going shopping for baby stuff aren't you"? He asked I nod my head. Then Abby ran behind his leg and saw Thea and said. "Can I hold her please Auntie Katlyen"? She calls me auntie for no reason I just let it slide. "Only if your father decides to watch her what do you say Jefferoey"? I asked. "I say your playing a cold game but yes I will watch little Thea". He said. "Thank you so much". I said handing him Thea and then telling Abby. "You can only hold Thea when your sitting down and your daddy's in the room deal". I had my pinkie out and she said. "Deal". I then hand Jefferoey the dippers for Thea and a bottle good thing we have an extra one for the dog and good thing it hasn't been used.

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