Chapter Thirteen (Kyle)

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Tate offered to have me stay at the house for the night, but I figured he had his issues to work out with Violet. But Tate wasn't so pleased when I told him the hotel I was staying at because my bus back to New Orleans wasn't until morning. I walk up to the front desk and am greeted by a short women with glasses.

"Hello, welcome to the Hotel Cortez," she says. Before I can reply she gets called to the back room. I only hear a short sentence through the whispers.

"Room 64 you say?" Someone else talks but I can't make it out, "Alright well if that's what he said," she emerges from the room and hands me a set of keys, "Room 64, Liz here will show you the way," she gestures to a tall man, no women in high heals and a dress, "Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you," Before I walk away I get a short glimpse of her name tag, Iris. I follow Liz onto the elevator, she tries to make conversation as we step off the elevator and make our way through the hallway.

"So are you a tourist?"

"No, I was visiting a friend," I hear noises coming from each room as we pass them. Screams, giggles, moans...

"How lovely, well here we are," We stop at a room which I'm assuming is 64. Liz holds out her hand, so I give her a tip. She walks away without another word. I hear the click of her heals as she gets further away from me. I unlock the door and step into the room, it's big. I set my bag down on the floor and flop onto the bed.

"Why hello there," I sit up, startled by the man standing at the foot of the bed.

"What are you doing in my room?"

"I should be asking you the same question," he smirks and holds out a glass of alcohol, "You want a drink?"

"No thanks," I refuse.

"So, you're the friend of Tate's I've been hearing of," he takes a sip of the whisky.

"Uh yeah, how do you know him?"

"Old friends, I guess," he paces the room and pulls out a cigarette. 

"Who are you then?"

"James Patrick March!" he exclaims, "Are you sure you don't want that drink, Kyle?" I never told him my name. 

"I'm pretty sure."

"Not even a little sip?" I'm about to refuse again but before I can he flashes in front of me and next thing I know he's poring the drink down my throat. I get dizzy immediately so I lay down, too tired to speak or fight back. Everything around me is blurry and muffled.

"We just need to give him a little scare, that's all," I hear James speak.

"Why don't we just put him out of his misery," A women leans over my face and holds a sharp object to my throat.

"No, Elizabeth," I hear him stomp a foot, "I need to scare him," the women walks away and I'm greeted by other things.

"Awe, James," Another girl appears over me holding a syringe full of liquid and a cigarette in her mouth, "Can't I have this one?"

"No, Sally," she rolls her eyes and sticks the needle into my arm. I wince but I'm too weak to move or scream. People are appearing out of no where as if they're flashing in and out of places. I hear giggles, cries, moans. I'm not even aware of what they're doing to me anymore. The only thing I can turn to for comfort is Tate. So, I soon drift off to sleep with the adrenaline pumping through my veins just thinking about him. 

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