Chapter Twenty (Kyle)

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I slowly open my eyes and scan my surroundings. I expected to be dead or if not dead, in the hospital. But instead I am lying on the floor by the entrance of the Murder House.

"What the hell," I slowly sit up and find James Patrick March and Hayden hovering over me, "Wha- what am I doing here?"

"See for yourself," James glances down at a body laying next to me. My body. I scoot away from it.

"What did you do to me!"

"You're dead, Kyle," Hayden says coldly.

"Why am I here? I should be in the hospital or something, not here!"

"Well you see, Hayden here, gave me the arousing idea to bring you here," He smirks, "You were in the hospital Kyle, but before you took your last breathes I brought you here to die." I glance at my body in terror.

"So, I'm a ghost?" They both nod, "Why would you do this!"

"It's not fair, Kyle. You don't get to just die and have it be over with," Hayden get's up close in my face, "None of us got that chance!" She screams, "So we took that chance from you," she laughs.

"So I'm stuck here?"

"Unless you find a purpose," James cuts in.

"But, Tate was my purpose," My eyes begin to fill with water.

"We know," Hayden says, "so you'll either have to find another one or," I know what she's about to say, I burst into tears, "you'll be stuck here," she leans down and whispers in my ear, "forever."

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