Kissing In Cars

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Hello all my beautiful readers I know it's been a very, very long time since I've updated my story/stories, but for those of you that are still out there I hope you will enjoy this next chapter. With things dying down for me I will be able to update much more hopefully. I really do enjoy writing these stories and seeing what all of you think about my writing. Also, Vic and Grace will not be like BAM back together, no, I want this story to seem as realistic as possible for a fanfic. Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind was way too fast pace in all honesty. I'm trying to make this story better, something that people could relate to in some way. This has been a very long author's note, so without further or do here's the next chapter. Enjoy!


Grace POV

Vic and I walked out of the small coffee shop, where just minutes ago we had decided he would be part of my baby, Celina's, life. I was ecstatic that Vic wanted to be part of her life, but at the same time I couldn't shake the feeling that something was bound to go wrong. What if he found the idea of being Celina's "full-time-father" too much and just left her? What would I tell Celina? Also, what will we do during Pierce The Veil's tours? I felt my hands become sweaty as I gripped the stirring wheel.

"Grace?" I heard a faint voice next to me.

I snapped my head towards the sound that had just pulled me from my negative thoughts.

"Y-yes?" I stuttered out nervously.

"Are you okay?" Vic asked me, looking at me like my thoughts were written across my face.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." I said unconvincingly.

"No you're not, are you still worried about me meeting Celina?" He asked.

I let out a long sigh, "Yes, I'm sorry Vic. I just can't help, but think something will go wrong..."

"I promise you that I will take care of her no matter what, Grace. She is my little girl, and honestly I've only seen Celina for ten seconds, but I already love her." He said, a smile playing across his lips.

I felt my worries fade away at his words, he really did seem like he wanted to be in her life. I felt a small smile fall across my face as I started the engine, and backed out of my parking spot.

"I trust you Vic." I said glancing over at him as he ran a hand through his brown locks, a weight lifting smile on his face.

We continued to drive towards my house, until Vic spoke up.


Hearing Grace say she trusted me made me feel, so free? I couldn't describe how great it made me feel to hear her say that. I was not going to let Grace or Celina down, not this time. I was so excited to meet Celina, after all she is my daughter how could I not be excited? I just hope she likes me.

"Grace?" I questioned looking over at her.

"Mhm?" She said glancing in my direction.

"What is Celina like? Tell me about her." I asked pondering over who my little girl is.

"Well, she is a little over three years old, her birthday is May 6. Celina has your hair and skin tone," Grace said looking over at me and smiling.

"Yes, but she has your gorgeous green eyes and nose." I added smiling back at her. I could see a slight hint of blush rise to Grace's cheeks.

"Yes," she started again, smiling, "Celina likes princesses, of course. Her favorite is Jasmine, from Aladdin. She likes music too, obviously considering her daddy is a big rock star."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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