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(Isabella at the top^^)

Today is the day the boys & I go down to the orphanage. I got out of bed and jumped in the shower. I got out of the shower & changed into a white plane tee, put on some jeans & slipped on white vans. After,  I was done, I walked down to the guys rooms to wake their lazy asses up.

I knocked on Johnson's door waiting for an answer. "Come in" Johnson said, "Oh good your awake & ready, well we're leaving after I get Gilinsky's & Nate's ass up" I said walking off to Nate's room

Nate's door was open so I just walked in to see him still deep asleep layed all over his bed. So, I went into his bathroom, got a cup I found on his counter & put some cold water in it. I went back to his bed & started pouring bits of water on him, he got up quick "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IM TRYING TO SLEEP" he said, while I was laughing "Get your fucking ass up & get ready, today is the day we adopt" I said. " Get the fuck out my room so I can change dumb fuck" Nate said angrily while I was still laughing, leaving his room.

While I was walking to Gilinsky's room,  Johnson stopped me & gave me an airhorn while smirking at me. I took it & opened G's door, I wanted to laugh so bad because he was sleeping like a baby. I pressed the button so the airhorn would blow & Gilinsky shot up panicking. Once, he saw me, he gave me the death glare " Get up & get ready we're leaving in 5" while leaving his room.

*at the orphanage*

Once, we got the orphanage we were greeted my a lady. "Hello, welcome to Mrs. Hernandez's orphanage for girls , I am Mrs. Hernandez, what will I do for you today" Mrs. Hernandez said nicely. "Hi, I am Sam & this is Jack, Nate, & Jack, we are wanting to adopt a girl today" I said in excitement. "Wonderful! Come with me to my office & I will give you a book with all the girls here" she said while walking off to her office. Once, we got to her office she gave me a black leather book with all the girls. The guys and I agreed that we wanted a girl in the age range of 4-10.

"Oh what about her?" Gilinsky said pointing to the 9 year old. Mrs. H saw who G was pointing at & said "Are you sure? she causes a lot of trouble here." I spotted a 6 year old named Isabella, Hispanic, with a terrible past but still very outgoing " I think we should adopt this little one" I said pointing to the picture of Isabella. "Great choice want me to call her down? so you can meet her." I was so happy that this was going to happen "Yes please" I said.

She called down Isabella & we waited in excitement while Isabella was packing her stuff. After, 5 minutes of waiting we heard soft knocks at the door. I opened it & there she was, so adorable. "Isabella, I want you to meet Sam, he will be the one adopting you today" Mrs. H said. Isabella came to hug me, I hugged her & said "Hi Isabella, I am Sam & this is -" getting interrupted by Johnson "& I'm Jack, I'm going to be your favorite" Isabella giggled then Nate & Gilinsky introduced them selfs but she was confused because there was 2 jacks.

After, filling out papers we left. "Are you my new daddy?" Isabella spoke up "Yes I'm your dad" I said smiling but at the same time feeling weird that I'm a dad now. I put Isabella in her car seat, went to the drivers seat & drove home. Today will be one of the best days ever!

If you guys haven't noticed I'm writing whatever comes to mind so I think the whole fan fic will be boring

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