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Q: Hey Em, we're so grateful to you for putting these interviews together. They're awesome! We're excited to be the ones to interview you now. How are you?

A: Great! Feeling blessed to be surrounded by all of you. #SciKickFunTime

Q: Alright! Thank you for joining us and sharing a little more about yourself with the Wattpad universe. First off, shall we talk about you and writing? When did you first start writing?

A: I suppose I started about 6 years ago, while at university, but I only wrote the first chapter of The Unsound Theory. I didn't work on it afterwards for about 2 years and then the juices got flowing again after I joined Wattpad and saw other writers on here.

Q: What are your writer's best practices – doing character profiles, maps, visualization, tai chi, anything?

A: Imagination. My head is my hard drive. I just envision a scene until it's crystal clear in my mind; I view it from every angle, and then I write about it.

Q: When and in what setting do you write best?

A: I'm a morning person, so between 9am-12am is best and only in absolute quiet.

Q: Is there anything in particular you find difficult to write about?

A: I actually struggle with scenes of affection, kissing etc. I suppose it's because my book is not a romance novel, so when I started out it was far from my mind and not central to the story at all. Naturally, I ended up weaving romance into the story as it took shape. I would never exclude it from the story, but it's sometimes hard to write those parts.

Q: What piece of advice has been most helpful to you since you started?

A: Write every spare moment you have. I know, I know, I just said above that I need perfect quiet in the morning hours and that's true but at random times I get a sentence or an idea and I always try to jot it down. It's a great piece of advice because once you gather all the small bits, you're no longer staring at an empty page. It is important to capture inspiration wherever and whenever it hits you. Every journey starts with a single step, right?

Q: What do you enjoy more – writing or having written?

A: Having written! I love writing too, but nothing compares to the jitters of just having finished a chapter. I just feel like jumping around and my roommate has no idea why I'm so chipper all of a sudden!

Q: What genre would you write in, if it wasn't sci-fi?

A: I am already writing in other genres, but so far nothing complete enough to start posting on here, especially since I'm trying to finish the Space Academy trilogy first. What I have started though is one fantasy story in two parts and another urban fantasy story for younger audience. So my other genre is definitely fantasy. I have tried to start a story in chic-lit too, but I just ended up adding science fiction elements to it, so that failed J

Q: These things happen! And what about reading? What three genres do you read the most?

A: Fantasy, sci-fi, chic-lit. In that order. I think because my mom and sister are more into Fantasy so that's why I got started in it and really loved it.

Q: Is there anything you can think of that you would love to read, only it hasn't been written yet?

A: I would love to read something in sci-fi, which creates the illusion that the action takes place some years into the future but without stating it explicitly and then at the very end reveals that the plot is based on technologies hidden by the government and actually takes place today. I like a book that would make me go back and search for the tiniest clue that this was true all along and just hiding in plain sight.

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