Vern the Fern . ~

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"Can't promise that things won't be broken, but I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me." - Sleeping With Sirens

Sarah's POV

His face creased in pain, and he looked down.

"Just when she began asking you why."

"Good. Then you know how much you hurt her."

"I know," his voice broke as he whispered those words.

"But I know you love her. It's as clear as day, but dammit, you weak man! You shouldn't have gotten tempted. I swear, you men are like fish, seeing damn well that a shiny new hook is gonna hurt you but you take the bait anyways!"

"I - I don't know what to do."

"I'll tell you what you've got to do. First, you need to take a look in the mirror and slap yourself, and damn well, I don't mean a measly, weak little slap! You better slap yourself hard, you hear me? Then you're going to woo your wife again."


"Oh my, you sure are dense. Woo her! You know, make her see that her prince charming had made a bad choice and had turned back into the beast for a little while, but now, you're back! Do everything in your power to make her see you as her knight again instead of a slimy frog, but if you hurt my new friend again, I'll gather up a mob to kill the 'beast' , you hear me?"

The oaf of a man nodded while looking both confused and a bit amused.

"Can you help me with something?"

Annabella's POV

I woke up to the sound of a very familiar song. It was the same song Damion sang to me a long time ago whenever I felt insecure or sad. 'Out Of My League' had always brought me a smile.

My eyes fluttered open, and I saw Damion standing at the front of my bed, in a tux, pink roses in his hand, and a worried smile on his lips.

"May I have this dance?"

Tears welled in my eyes as I looked down and shook my head. I couldn't do it. If I did, I knew I'd lose all hope of divorcing this man. Then the lights in my room were turned off, the curtains on the window already closed, and a glowing light came from the ceiling. They were glow-in-the-dark stars. I smiled as I remembered how much I loved them as a kid, and of course, my crying grew worse.

I felt him take my hand, and I tried to pull away. I really did, but he was too strong and held on tight.

"Please," he whispered with desperation and hurt in his voice.

My resolve weakened, and he definitely took notice as he gently tugged me up and gave me a smile. I didn't know if I had it in me to dance, everything was just too overwhelming. Soon, I felt myself being lifted a bit as my feet were placed on top of his shoes. Then just like that, he danced for the both of us.

"Why?" I choked out as the tears began overflowing again.

"I'm going to be your prince again. I promise you, no matter what, I'll win your heart back."

I couldn't speak after that. I just sobbed into the crook of his neck, and he let me.

"Do you remember when we first talked about having kids together?"

I smiled as I remembered that day.

- Flashback -

I smiled as I felt Damion wrap his arms around my waist as I made lunch.

"Hon, have you ever thought about what our kids would be like?"

"Yes, and I always imagined them getting my looks of course."

"Why's that?" my poor husband seemed so confused.

"Well, if they had your face, how do you ever expect them not to scare people away?"

I shrieked as he picked me up and brought me to the couch where he started his revenge of tickling me.

"I'm sorry! Please stop! I meant scare people away with their beauty! You're the sexiest man alive!" I stuttered through my words as he still continued to tickle me.

After hearing that, he stopped, smirked, and cockily said, "I know."

What a cheeky bastard. One that I loved with all that I had.

I went back to the kitchen to finish our lunch, but it didn't take long for Damion to disrupt me again.

"I know now! It's perfect!"

His shout startled me and caused me to jump.

"What? What's perfect?"

"I know the perfect name for our son! Vern!"

I started laughing so hard tears were pouring out of my eyes, I was clutching my stomach, and I started rolling around on the kitchen floor. As soon as I saw his serious face, I coughed and stood up while straightening my clothes.

"Oh, you were being serious?"

"Yes! I looked for unusual names on Google, and this sounded the most unique! My boy's gonna be special."

He had such a proud look on his face that I almost didn't want to crush his hopes, but I did not plan on naming my future son, Vern.

"Why don't we think about it more? If you really want to name something Vern, we have a fern. You see? Vern the Fern! It's perfect, right? So why don't you go do that while I finish lunch."

- End of Flashback -

"Yeah, I remember."

We both softly laughed at the memory.

Pain hit my chest, and I felt my heart constrict at the memories going through my mind.

"Ohh Damion, where did we go wrong?"


I know I said I'd be updating every week, but it's been really hard lately. So I am very grateful to all of you. Again, I love all my fans! Don't forget to comment what you think, how it makes you feel, and any positive criticism! Vote/read/enjoy too. Ciao, my darlings!

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