Best Friend

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Look at her. I thought to myself as Rosalee walked into the gates of the school. I shook my head and laughed to myself softly. Rosalee was really awesome. I am so lucky to have her as my best friend. Everyone started walking up to her including me.

"Angie!" She said ignoring everyone else and walking right up to me to hug me.

"Hey girl how was your weekend in Hawaii?" I asked as I hugged her back.

"It was great! Want to know everything?!" She said giggling as she linked arms with me.

"Of course!" I replied as we continued walking.

"Well once I said goodbye to you at the airport I went to the cafeteria thing they have there and sat at a table. This really hot waiter comes up to me and he starts taking my order but I couldn't think cause he was...breath taking! I started tripping over my words and I guess he noticed cause he sat down across from me and asked me if I was sober. Of course I wasn't...I mean you know I don't do that! Once he asked that and I said no he asked what was wrong and I just lied and said I was scared of flying alone. He started telling me about the first time he flew by himself when he was 14. I started to grow more comfortable with him and we just were making small talk and flirting. His name was Mark and he has beautiful brown eyes and dirty blonde hair..." Rosalee sighed and looked to the sky as if she was dreaming about him, "Well anyways eventually he had to go back to work but we exchanged numbers so we could maybe hang out sometime. At like 3 my flight was there so I got in line and took a deep breath as I walked with the crowd. Then guess who else was in line with their bags packed!? Mark!" We both screeched with excitement, "He recognized me and came up to me. Apparently he was going to Hawaii that week too! So I told him where I was going to be staying and said that we could hang out if he liked. He said yah of course! Unfortunately our seats on the plane were no where near each other...but...he got up and made eye contact with me to go to the bathroom with him and-"

"Rosalee!!! Oooo!" I said lookin at her in shock.

"Oh god no Angie! I'm not that dirty," she wasn't dirty at all she was the cleanest person I knew, "no we just made out." She giggled and I went along with her.

"What happened when you got to Hawaii!?"

"Well I'm getting there! When we got to the airport I got lost. It was super busy and I didn't know where to go at all. As I stood by the chairs I set my stuff down and looked at my phone to look up something...and somebody grabbed my bag! I turned around ready to chase and fight because you know I've done a fighting class,"

"Yes I know Rosalee." I laughed.

"Okay well it was Mark. He looked terrified until I put my fists down. He asked me if I needed help and I said hell yes! So he helped me find-"

"Wait who did you stay with when you were in Hawaii?" I asked because she had failed to mention that part.

" my aunt Lisa you know the one that just lives alone yah her."

"Ohh okay go on."

"Well he said that he could help me get to where I was going and I said that I'd love that. So guess what he did!?"

"What!?" I said enthusiastically.

"Got a cab for us! And he rode with me the whole way aunts house to Lisa's yah. It was great and as I was about to get out he pulled me back in and grabbed my face as he kissed it. He said that we should meet at the beach right across from Lisa's house the next day, and that's what we did." Rosalee said...I had never heard of her aunt Lisa but I'm sure she was on her step moms side or something.

"Wait wait wait, and what bathing suit did you wear!?"

"Don't worry Angie, the cute one that you helped me pick out."

"Thank god cause you got some bad ones in your closet!" I laughed at her.

"True," she laughed with me, "but just for the whole week me and him spent it together on the beach, at the stores on the block, tanning, swimming, making out," she giggled, "ect. Ect."

I laughed at her, "Well sounds like you had fun!"

"I sure did. I wish you were there though."

"Why so I could be third wheel?" I said half joking.

"No! God Angie you know that's not what I want."

"I know, I know. I wish I was there too." I agreed with her.

"You would've found a guy trust me...all those tourists there well they get ready to be wearing no shirts in Hawaii." She laughed.

"Yah but it's not just know I don't have enough money for that Rosalee! My mom still hasn't found a job..."

"Awe I'm sorry. But you know we would've paid for everything for you!" She smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Yah thanks girl. Well we should get to class?"

"Probably...but...I have a better idea." Rosalee said deviously...she never skipped unless something fun was happening so I was interested.

"What's the plan Rose?"

"Marks house. Right now. All day."


"Oh come one Angie it's the first day! No one will even notice! And marks house isn't that far from here! We can ride in my new car, go to the mall...make some memories for our Junior year...what do you say?"

Even though I know she was pressuring me and I was mostly leaning on the side of not going, I said, "Okay...hell yah. Sounds fun!"

She laughed and directed us outside the school, "Welp lets go make some memories bestie. You are my bestie I hope you know that."

"And you are mine and that's why I do stuff like this for you, "she laughed and smiled at me, "hey one quick question though,"

"And what is that?"

"How old is Mark?

Will be continued please keep reading...things get different

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