Chapter 10 Guardian and Bestfriends Part 1

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- Kathryn's pov -

My sis and I woke up in the middle of darkness with no light or anything but just our Auras. My sis woke up like herself but her eyes were different. They were just like dead but she could still see but like she was controlled or something else was.

" Oi sis you alright? " said Kathryn

" Yesh i'm fine but just tired... " said Kathy

Then all of the sudden a white hood guy and black hood guy came all of the sudden and saw Kathy and Kathryn. Kathryn went dark and holded onto Kathy.

" What are you two doing here? " said Kathryn feeling like to attack them.

" It's just your guardian's " said the white hooded guy

Kathryn saw the guy before when he raised her back from the dead. She was shocked and was wondering or thinking why he raised her back from the dead. Was it cause of an experiment? Was it important? Or could it be something else? She was so curious that he didn't trust him or the have guy next to him.

" What have you two done to my sister?! " said Kathryn about to go rampage

" She's just a sleep or tired " said the black hooded guy stopping her

" just tell us where we are and I won't do anything " Said Kathryn calming herself.

" Very well " said the white hood guy with a sigh

"Where you two are is just a dream or a vision and who we are is your guardian for example I'm your guardian and he's your sisters guardian to protect you guys " said White hood guy

" No kidding. " said Kathryn feeling like to go home and take a nap.

" So why are we here now? " questioned Kathryn

" To send you a message " said the black hood person

" okay then what is it? " said Kathryn

" It's about you being in danger of something coming in the mean time and you need to defeat it or this world will be in chaos also it involves you two. But in along your journey people will help you and join you to defeat the horrid thing that's gonna take over it " said the white hooded guy

" Okie Dokie artichokie " Said Kathryn.

- Kathy's pov -

I woke up clearly but I just healed myself so I can see more clearly and saw two people that had colored hoods black and white oh yeah also my sis too. So I then just teleported out of there but it was a fail.

" oof! " said both

" oi how come my sis and I can't teleport outta here? " said Kathy

" cause you two are in a place you can't teleport out of easily " said the black hooded guy.

Kathy had widen eyes and had her mouth open like what was going and recognized those people and the voices.

" No way... " said Kathy

" SIS WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW! " said Kathy transforming in her other form.

Kathy dropped a potion and a grabbed her sister's hand and jumped into the portal door. Then she closed it and shut it like it was that important.

" Umm what was that all about sis? "


" Nooo? " said Kathryn looking at her like she's going crazy and insane

Kathy whispered in her ear and Her sister's eyes were widen too like what was happening?

" Your kidding me.....Right? "

" Noo i'm not it seriously them and I know it. "

" Oh God what do we do?!

" Act normal and pretend none of this happened in the first place. "

" Got it.... "

" Let's just go to the academy and goto change in our uniforms... "

" Okay Kathy just okay "

So then they changed into there uniforms and went toward the doors to the academy.

- meanwhile with the hooded guy -

" How in the world did she broke off our sleeping spell? " said The black hooded guy.

" I don't know she just woke up and healed herself while we were talking to her other twin or sis. " said the white hooded

" Well first of all were her childhood friend but we had to fake died so that she couldn't remember us. But how did she recognize us in all those years. " said the white hooded guy

" Hmm maybe had to with Payton cuz he did put the spell on her to not remember us or him. " said the black hooded guy

"......Thats it! " said The white hooded guy

" What? " said the black hooded guy

" When Payton bit her. Kathy's spell was broken and remembered the true past or when she first saw him again.. " said the white hooded guy

"Well we are going to her school tomorrow " said the black hooded guy.

- Now back with Kathy and Kathryn -

So then Kathy and Kathryn were walking and saw someone they haven't seen for a long time. It was Sarah.

" SARAH?!?!?! " yelled out both girls that were surprised.

" Shh were in the hallway " said Sarah

" Oh yeah..... " said both and was embarrassed.

So Sarah just teleported Kathy Kathryn and herself to an empty classroom. The two girls were like what just happened and surprised that Sarah could use Magic.

" YOU CAN USE MAGIC NOW? " said Both

" Yes I can " said Sarah

" B-b-but how?? " said Both

" Well let me explain " said Sarah

" So when Kathryn A.K.A Kate had to go to the otherworld and Kathy known as Kat went to a magic school still. I was learning magic from this book and have the magics of mermaid,Fairy,and heart magic. " said Sarah giving the book to Kathy and Kathryn.

"the ancient book of Mermaid shape shifter " said both reading the title

" Sarah... Where did you get this book.? " said Kathryn

" Yeah and your a chosen one like us now?! " said Kathy

"Why yes I am and let me tell you how I became one "

" So one day I was going to a beach to swim in the ocean. Until I saw a trail of Fairy dust. I followed the trail and when I got there... There was mermaids,fairies,magical creatures and more. When I touched something...something feel and it was a book and a potion that said " drink me ". So I drank the potion and a voice said I have became a chosen one and became a mermaid shape shifter The book was my guide to learn Mermaid magic, shapeshifter magic, and the magic I wanted. " explained Sarah

" Wow...... Congrats Sarah " said both

" It's like the time when we were chosen ones like I was gifted with a holy cross and my sister a dark orb "

" Yep and now we are back together again since Payton is a vampire psycho. "

" Wait a minute Payton's a vampire psycho? " said Sarah.

To be continued....In part two

Bite Of Blood Chapter 10 Guardians And BestfriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora