Chapter 10 Guardians and Bestfriends part 2

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- Sarah pov -

Kathy and Kathryn and I walked and talked about Payton being a vampire.

" So what happened to Payton?" Asked Sarah

" Well Payton is a vampire now since he was controlled by his other world self " said Kathryn

" Did Kathy and Payton do anything romantic? Kathy and Payton seating in a tree..." Kathy covered Sarah's mouth

" Dude, seriously we didn't do anything romantic at all he has change since the last time we've seen each other. " said Kathy

" Dude I know your lying cause your my best friend I know when your lying, I learned how to see peoples whats if lying or not. " said Sarah giving off a smirk

" Gosh darn it fine I'm lying of one part. He kissed me and not me. also he bit me " said Kathy

" Since you me the truth then it's time for me to tell me mine, well I have been keeping this secret for a long time, well to be exact 2 years. I have a boyfriend "said Sarah

" WHAT?!?! " said both

" Sarah you had a boyfriend since your were 8 and and you have a boyfriend since 2 year and you still have since ten and you've never told meh! " said Kathy

" Wow Sarah just wow " said Kathryn like giving a thumbs up to her like it's a good thing.

" Excuse me! You've been keeping load of secrets from me " pointing at Kathy.

" I can feel it " said Sarah

" that is true but I'll tell you them later alright. Besides let's go meet Yui and Ayato. " said Kathy

" Yep and let's make a club too " said Kathryn wondering

" Who are Ayato and Yui?" Thought Sarah with surprise that Kathy already made friends.

" Hmmm Sarah there friends and they live with each other with Ayato's brothers Latio, Kanato. Also Reji and Shu there from another family. Also Saburu too. Basically they live together as a group since the families are friends with each other " explain Kathy that was difficult to explain.

" This is nothing like where you guys came from and my family " said Sarah with confusion

" Hmmm but Sarah so you wanna meet these people or not? " said Kathryn

" Meh don't know don't care " said Sarah

- the Sister's pov -
" Wow... Sarah wow well anyways I gotta go find my glasses " said Kathy

" Me too " said Kathryn

So they teleported to Where there glasses are at and saw Latio and Shu. Kathy and Kathryn looked at each other and nodded. So Kathy teleported the glasses to her and her sis. They turned around but saw nothing. They just then teleported to Sarah.

" Where did you two went off too? " said Sarah

" Hmmmm like we said getting our glasses " said Kathy

So Kathy and Kathryn putted on there glasses the same exact time. Kathy's glasses were reddish pink while Kathryn's glasses were darkish blue with sky blue.

" Okay then now what " said Sarah

" Oh look Shu and Laito are in the classroom " said Kathryn like it's nothing.

" Oh wait that's a bad thing..... " said Kathryn

The room was silent with awkwardness and Kathryn and Kathy just grabbed Sarah's hand ran away from Latio and Shu.
They ran and ran to another classroom and stopped.

" huff Puff huff puff " said the girls

" Why did we run away from them now? " said Sarah

" There bad news Sarah the blonde guy was Shu and that other guy is a perv " said Kathy

" Ehh? Kitten chan~ you've think I'm a perv? " said a familiar voice

" Great speaking of the devil he's here behind us " Said Kathryn

" Where have you two been doing..." said Shu

" Its nothing anyways were getting outta here. " said Kathy

" Not so fast kitten chan~ you've to pass away from me fufufu" said Laito

" Well then crap " said Both

Laito grabbed Kathy and Kathryn and we're in a pickle. But Sarah wasn't in any trouble so she transformed into her other self holding out her hand like so. She twirled around and her hair had streaks of pink in her hair, her outfit was a pretty dress like a mermaid. Also her hair was up in a ponytail oh and had pearl white wedges.

" Water spiral " casted Sarah

A spiral of water came in the room and swept Away Laito out of the room. But He wasn't soaked at all but Shu grabbed her hands and the spell was stopped.

" tidal wave teleport " casted Sarah

Sarah teleported away from Shu then a big wave came in the room and actually soaked Laito and Shu for reals. Kathy and Kathryn were also soaked but then both passed out.

" Hmm not bad " said Laito

".............................. " said Shu

All of the sudden Shu looks at Sarah with a death stare bored face. He then teleported to Sarah and grabbed her.

" Your gonna pay...... " said Shu

" Shape shift Phoenix "said Sarah

She turned into a Phoenix and grabbed Kathy and Kathryn. Laito and Shu just went and got a feeling something else was going to happen.

" .......Lets go " said Shu teleporting to them

" fine.... " said Laito with a sigh

Sarah,Kathy,and Kathryn got away from Shu and Laito and all sighed. Kathy and Kathryn were still passed out from the tidal wave Sarah casted. Then Kat and Kate woke up to be in a forest where Sarah found the book.

" Hmm this place it's beautiful " said both

" I know right. " said Sarah

" Hmmmmmmm Laito and Shu are here " said Kathryn pointing out at them.

" Shu and Laito what do you two went and we'll stop teleporting " said Kathy.

" We just wanted to know what happen to you two and that's it and maybe your blood......" said Laito

" Alright fine we'll tell you what happen "

" So we we're sleeping for the past hours and had a talk with our Guardians in a dream or vision. They told us a warning but it was half good and the other bad. "

" They said we were involved in taking over this world and we are in a journey of meeting new people and are helping us defeating that person "

" But when I woke up earlier I healed myself and recognized the voice so I threw a potion down on the ground to escape the madness "

" Now that's what happened to us for the past hours "

" Wow " said Sarah

Shu and Laito were shocked of the story and figured these girl weren't Human at all but something entirely different.

" Just what are you...... " said Shu

The girls were shocked of what Shu said but didn't know if it was the right thing to do. But they decided anyways.

" My sis and I are wizards and Sarah is a mermaid shape shifter but were giving you all that much about ourselves. " said Kathy

The girls just then teleported to the academy and went to do something.

To be continued in chapter 10 part 3..........

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