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"Seeing a man who tormented you for the majority of your life breaking down in tears and cowering in fear above you can really satisfy you..

..or it can fuck you up in many different ways."

Six teenagers, two friends, two enemies and two lovers. A rich boy, a psycho, a freak, a whore, a fuckboy and a faker. 

"Alan Ashby."

The ginger boy was surprised that he managed to make out the words, considering he was shaking like a leaf.

"Austin Carlile."

The punk kept his arms crossed and prayed that he wouldn't punch the man in front of him.

"Victor Fuentes."

The mexican teen hid his hands in his sleeves as he sat down, he could sense a panic attack coming.

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick."

The skinny boy had his hands on his hips, his sassier side showing through. He knew he did nothing wrong whether they chose to believe that or not. 

"Luke Hemmings."

The tall blonde rolled his eyes, why he was here, he didn't care. But he didn't want to be there. 

"M-Michael Clifford."

The long-haired boy bit his lip in confusion, he just couldn't understand why we was there.

None of them could.

"Right," The six different officers spoke at once, almost as if being in the same room "Do you know why you're here?"

They either shook their heads or muttered a 'no'. 

"You're going to tell us everything you know about Ashton Irwin and where you were at the time of his attack. Clear?"

Eyes widened, some rolled, other's barely moved. One set of eyes in particular, looked away from the men infront of them, staring at the wall beside him.

"The wall's not gonna tell your story for you." An officer snapped.

All six teens stayed quiet, not knowing where to start with this one, Luke was the first to speak up.

"He was my friend, one of my best friends actually."

And, once again as if they were all in the same room, they all started to talk. Austin was the next to speak.

"I didn't know the guy personally, different groups, different people."

Alan chewed on his lip, the thought of Ashton just gave him the chills.

"He was a.. friend, we had a thing once."

Kellin raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk sneaking onto his face.

"Ashton Irwin, huh? Well, he's the best fuck I've ever had. Fucked him a few times, usually at parties or something. That boy sure knows how to make a guy scream." 

Vic clenched his fists.

"He's a cunt."

Michael sighed to himself, of course this had something to do with Ashton.

"He's bullied me since we were kids, I'm used to it by now. Though, it doesn't surprise me he's got himself in more shit." 

After that, various words were thrown around, some people jumped out of their seats in anger.

"Best friends? That's a very good alibi, a very good excuse, isn't it? Especially as you two are so close, that's interesting."

"Is that so,  Mr. Carlile? Because from what we've heard off of others, your groups had somewhat of a rivalry, that's a very good motive. The leaders from the two opposing groups meet up for a scrap and obviously the big scary punk guy wins. Then here we are.."

"Oh, a friend, huh? Wouldn't that be a good motive? Angry ex gets revenge, maybe?"

"Watch your words, Mr. Fuentes, you could end up giving yourself away."

"Mr. Quinn, if you think using yours and Irwin's sex life to save your ass is gonna get you out of this, you're very wrong. The sluts are usually the dangerous ones."

"Bullied you, hm? Perfect motive that, wouldn't you say so?"

And like that, the six of them went silent. One thought surrounding their minds:

How the fuck did we end up here?



hey guys, I'm back :) 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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