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There is happiness is the littlest things

In the morning I look out the window and see a beautiful array of colors. I see the sun rising.
I feel happiness

In the night I look up into the sky and see those twinkling stars. With the bright moon.
I feel happiness

When I see the sun peaking out of the clouds and the rain drizzling down. A rainbow crosses the sky.
I feel happiness

It's a cold day and I smell the sweet smell of cookies and hot chocolate.
I feel happiness

A huge field of blooming flowers, in many different colors.
I feel happiness

Being hugged.
I feel happiness

A small smile given just to me.
I feel happiness

Being myself and nobody judging me.
I feel happiness

I see happiness.
I feel happiness

Turning someone's frown upside down.
I feel happiness

Someone actually wanting to spend time with me.
I feel happiness

I see that my phone is completely charged.
I feel happiness

I see someone smiling.
I feel happiness

This is for people that don't feel happiness that often. Try and see the little specs of happiness

AGirlWhoLikesWriting & ADHDcrazygirl
I can't remember why I put you two here👆🏻
It was probably because you weren't happy.

Go read my book 'My Weirdness!' you might feel happiness!

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