chapter 1

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Moving in

'Mom, why'd you have to get a job here? Couldn't you have found some other source of income back home. Maybe a drug dealer? Someone who sells spoons? I know! You could've done busking on the street corners! People would be paying you every second. They would want you to stop singing as soon as possible' i whined, laughing at my final statement. I looked over at my mom who was driving, she raised an eyebrow at me. But i knew she was fine when a smirk grew on her face, unable to stop herself from being amused by my statement.
'You know that i was offered a job down here. All the jobs i would've enjoyed were taken and i now get to look after little kids and introduce them to the world of knowledge' she told me, using a mocking voice probably quoting something her boss had told her. 'Plus, I'm pretty sure i would've eventually been arrested for my "amazing talent". My mom is not exactly the best singer in the world and she knows it.
'I know, and I'm sure it's gonna be great. I guess I'm just gonna miss the guys.' I told her putting my feet up on the dashboard. I used to spend the majority of my days hanging out with a group of guys. If it was raining we would spend the day inside stuffing our faces with junk. But if it was a sunny day, we would spend the day playing football or basketball or just lazing around the park. Just in case you were wondering, no i did not date any of them. They were like brothers to me and that would've been weird. If I'm honest, I've never really looked at a guy for a relationship. I always used to hear girls talking about guy problems and i just never understood why they would go out with them and then complain about them. I just found it easier to spend my time with the boys than the girls.
'You'll make new friends, maybe even a girl but I'm sure you can still talk to the guys from home' i raised my eyebrow at her, she knows i don't get on well with girls. I sighed and faced the window.
'I would but we said goodbye knowing that we probably won't see eachother again. The next couple of years are going to be the most important for them and i think that the back and forth will be distracting, so it's just easier. We still have eachothers numbers so we can talk but it won't be the same.' I know my mum understands my reasoning and she wants me to at least try to make new friends. Moving is stressful for her too but she needs the work so I'm going to try hard for her. I'll probably apply for a job at some point to help out, or at least pay for my own things.

The car was silent for ten minutes until i felt the car stop and the engine die. My mom opened her car door and i did the same. I closed-more like slammed-the door shut. 'Hey! What did i say about slamming the door!' I flash her a quick smile before turning to face the house. It looked pretty cool. It seemed a bit big for a house that's only going to hold two people but it just means there's spare rooms. It had an average sized front garden, but what i was interested in was the back garden. I ran up the drive to the gate that led to the back garden and unlatched it. The garden was huge! Definately enough grass to play football on. I can set my net up easily at the end of the garden. This is perfect. I also noticed a good bit of wall space away from any windows so i can set up my basketball hoop there.
'Good bit of garden space, huh?' My mum says from behind me, making me jump a mile. 'One of the main reasons i picked this house was because of the size of the garden.' I grinned at her before walking back to the car in the driveway. I grabbed the box that said "Kat's stuff" on it and carried it to my room. The mover van already brought our beds here yesterday so i just had to sort around it. I remember my mum saying that she helped the moval men to sort everything out so that there would be a small amount of moving for us to do. I stopped to look into the living room. There was the T.V set up in the corner of the room and a coffee table in the center surrounded by a sofa and two chairs. There was a door that I'm pretty sure led to the kitchen and another two doors. One that was probably the bathroom and another one that i wasn't sure of. My hands were full so i couldn't open the door to check so i just went upstairs. Mum said i have the room that looks out to the front of the house so i walk to the bottom of the hall and go inside. My bed is set up in the coner, the marvel blanket and pillows laid out neatly ontop. What a shame I'm gonna jump on it soon and never see it made again. The only other thing in my room was my flat screen T.V with my Xbox set up. I realised that my desk was in here. Only problem is i had to put it together. For now, i think it looks nice flat packed on the floor. I put my box at the bottom of my bed and walked out of the room. I was going to get my last box from the car but stopped when i got to the closed door. I was still curious and opened it up. I was disappointed to find it empty. For some reason i thought it would be really cool. "That's going to be my office." My mum told me,"It's only down here because i figured it coukd get annoying if i need to plan for a day and you're playing music in one of the spare rooms that will be your music room"I grinned at her. She knows that i like to be able to play my guitar. I have a keyboard, but i can't play very well, but i still like to mess around with it sometimes.
"Thank you!I'm gonna go grab my guitar and keyboard from the car and take it up then" she smiled and walked off somewhere. I walked out to the car, picked up my instruments and took them back upstairs. "Mum! Which room?" I called. From somewhere in the house she called back, "the one right next to yours!" I walked down to the room next to mine and opened the door. The room was slightly smaller than mine but it already had a bean bag slumped in the corner and a stool plaved close to it. I took the keyboard and the stand out and set it up in the corner opposite the beanbag. I mobed the stool behind it and took the guitar out of it's case, leaning it against the wall near the window. I opened my bedroom door and stared at my bed for a few seconds. Guess it's time to christen the bed in the new house. I ran and jumped on my bed, feeling it dip under me. Well that didn't last very long. I looked out of my bedroom window and wondered what the new neighbourhood was like. I think i need to go and explore the neighbourhood around me. Even if i just find a shop that i can buy food from. First, i had to get a snack.


New book! Pretty pleased with this. This is the most I've written. I just had the idea to write this story so, yeah... Enjoy :D

P.S. I'm bad at A/N's :')

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