{Tear Four}

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Hiya, thank you guys for reading this shiz. I hope you're liking it. :)

Levy's POV:

"You're finished, right?" I ask as the man pulls himself out of me.

"At least act like you enjoy it, what do you know about this stuff anyway? You're only 15."

I stare at the old man, he had a wife and kids, and here he is having sex with a "teen girl". He's vile.

But are we really different?

We're both disgusting people.

Jellal's POV:

"We'll get her back." I try my best to confront Juvia as she broke down.

"No I won't! Jellal they'll give her to that bastard! The law is corrupt like that!" She cried out, her voice seemed to hauntingly shake the walls of the car. I could only watch as she bent her head over and wept, I was never good at comforting people.

"You can leave." She told me unlocking the car door. I just nod, then head out. I begin thinking about my daughter, I truly did know the pain Juvia was going through.

At least she had the comfort of knowing she was alive.

Lucy's POV:

"I don't care it you have it." He lied to me.

"I'll love you, and hold you forever." He lied to me.

"Let's get marry Luce, I want to spend my whole life with you." He lied to me.

I didn't know why these sweet nothings he once spoke knock on the door of my mind everyday. Can't they see I don't want to open up? They don't care though, they just scream.

The regrets just scream. 

My phone then goes off, I pick it up and see that Mira texted me.

Here's the list Hun ;). She texted, I begin to read the countless list of people she's invited to her wedding.

They come up.

I felt a stirring in my stomach. A feeling that stabbed. 

"I have to face them, huh?" I say to myself in the dark room. I then cut on my TV and begin to watch reruns of some old sitcom show.

I knew if I slept tonight nightmares will run rampant.


Regret ~Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza~Where stories live. Discover now