Chapter 5

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We have reached the cabin, or the hideout or whatever it actually is.

I am sitting on the wooden floor, my back against the wooden boards.

I close my eyes, feeling them burn into my head.

Whatever this is- whatever I'm feeling- It's getting worse.

Grandfather is standing beside me. There is a small window and an open doorway on the other side of the room.

"Should we go back?" He asks me. He isn't good at this... caring stuff.

That's what my grandmother is for. I remember her homemade chicken noodle soup now and my stomach grumbles. I don't even feel hungry. Just the thought of food makes my mouth boil and my throat itch.

"No." I say. It comes out louder and strong than I intended. Grandfather is taken a bit back by this.

"Ellis, I can't- I can't just keep you out here if you're going to be miserable."

I look into his eyes. He's pleading me. I don't even know how I would make it back through the forest at this point...

"I'm fine." I say again, my tone harsh.

"I'll take you out again some other time."

"NO." I yell. I can't even help it. It just slips off my tongue.

There is an awkward silence between us, and I feel guilt creep up through my throat.

An apology is hanging on the tip of my tongue, but my mouth won't open to speak it.

"I'm worried about you, son. This-this isn't like you."

He isn't one to be worried; usually that's my grandmother's job. She does enough worrying for the whole of us.

I cup my head between my palms. Heat radiates along my hands and my forehead.

No, this isn't like me.

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