Chapter 6

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I couldn't bear it. Just the thought of Milo coming back is enough to send me into a fit.

I'm overwhelmed. It could be a false alarm, but I would rather be safe than sorry.

I want him back. I have prayed every night for him to come back, and I never thought my prayers would be answered. Maybe someone is finally listening to me.

I run back through the woods. His smell is still lingering in my nose, making my senses go wild with thought.

Milo, wait. I need- if it's really you, I need proof...

I stop in my tracks, waiting.


My feet sink lower into the ground. My hope is lost. I knew it couldn't be true.

There's still a part of me that wants to believe it though- that he's come back for us.

Then I hear it. It's faint, but I still hear it ringing through my ears none the less.

NO. It rings through my ears and through my body.

It's his voice. I don't know how I still remember, but it's him.

"Boys!" I call through the forest. I'm close to home, so I know they'll hear me calling.

And they do.

My boys are there within a matter of minutes. Both of them panting and sweating, tongues hanging out of their mouths like animals.

I look them sternly in the eyes, and they snap up, both of them holding in their rasping breaths.

"I think- I think he's back." I eye them seriously.

Their eyes grow wide with either shock or fear, maybe both.

They have never met Milo. But I have told them stories. I have told them many stories about him.

It takes a moment to sink in- that he really might be back- and then we, all three of us, take off into the woods to find him.

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