chapter 5,1/2-the first time (continued)

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I was in so much shock as I found myself wearing the one thing I thought I'd never wear

A leather sex suit.

"Now you know why you were blind folded." She smirked."and if you don't come, I'll send Jason this." She pulled out her phone and let me read. Im pretty sure she was blackmailing me. I read what she had written down. She held it so I would be able to press ' erase' it said,

D- omg, Jason! Did Jace tell what she did! That dirty freak,...SHES NOT A VIRGIN!!!! omg and guess who she slept with...
Canle. Sɛռɖ

I stared at the phone and looked at her, she was looking at her nails and looked at me. "If you deny...I have no problem sending this." She had a evil grin on her face. I sighed. "Fine." She squirmed in her seat and grabbed my wrist." Ok!!!, let's go!!!"
I looked at the shattered windows and the party lights shining one more time, than came with her.

Inside of crazy house

She took a deep breath, when I did, it smelled like marijuana. I coughed and gave up holding my breath, knowing that where ever I went, the smell will be where I was.
I began feeling like I was in the song 'here.'
She yelled at me over the music, " HAVE FUN!!!" and ran over to a group of guys giving her shots as she twerked on them.
I felt so discussed by the sight. I wanted to ball my eyes out.
I walked around seeing the people dancing, being drunk, people making out and people grinding on each other. And I thought the dawn scene was disturbing...
That's when I turned walking to the bar. It was empty except one person.
I sat down and looked around feeling nervous. I stroked my fingers through my hair as I got approached by a guy. "Do you wanna see the specials?" He asked with his green eyes sparkling in the lights. "Uh... Well I've never drank before and obviously under aged." I replied puzzled. Wouldn't he know? He laughed and pulled out a menu. "Well your no longer gonna say I've never drank. Pick which one you want." He continued.," yellow means normal, green means pretty weird, and red is drunk by 3, and dark red is one of those, you'll probably be out cold." I stiffened in my seat. What in the world did he just say? Which one was the least affected one?? He walked away while fixing his brown hair man bun.
I finally picked, not knowing what was coming for me. I showed him and he widened his eyes. " you sure?" He asked. "Um...ya...?"
"Ok" he walked over and set me some drink.
"Here ya go." He place a beer looking cup but it was clear except with some Raspberry's floating around. "Thanks." I took a sip, catching a raspberry. This stuff tasted sweet! Gulps and drinks go by as I made up to 10 of those things. But I just found my self on the dance floor jamming to a dubstep song. Than I felt someone grab my ass, but since I was drunk, I turned around and jumped on the person and grinding on them. ( well this got interesting...)
I took a look at them. It was Austin. He had a smirk on his face. "Should we go upstairs?" I was wayyyy dizzy out of my head. I snapped back to reality and saw him biting his lip. Oh shit.
I pulled off of him and just yelled, "NOPE." I walked away but found myself being pulled into strong arms. Than, I blacked out.

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