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"You know what? I LIKE spicy food and chocolate pudding and horror movies!" he shouts. "And I hate peanut butter."

We'd been at it all day and by now we were just saying whatever we could to piss the other off more. I don't even remember what sparked the argument anymore, but that was 4 hours ago and the house was a disaster zone now. He'd knocked a chair sideways and I'd thrown a vase. The floor was littered with papers that had been on tables and the pictures on the walls were askew.

"Well if being with me sucks so badly, then just go!" I scream at him, pointing to the door. He starts towards the door before stopping and looking back at me.

"This is my house, you should be the one to go," he orders and my cheeks flush with angry embarrassment.

"Fine, I will," I say stubbornly. I head into the bedroom and haphazardly throw as much of my stuff into a bag before slinging it over my shoulder and storming out the door. My eyes burn with angry tears as I slam the door shut behind me, but my stubbornness kicks in and I continue walking to my car. As I'm backing up though, a person comes flying out of the house and to a stop behind the car, forcing me to slam on the brakes so I didn't run him over.

"What the hell?" I shout before I see the look in his eyes. Fear. He immediately moves around the side of the car to my door, yanking it open and pulling me out, barely giving me time to put it in park.

"You actually were leaving," he says, not even bothering to hide the shakiness of his voice.

"You told me to," I reply, the tears burning my eyes finally slipping out.

"No baby, I didn't mean it. Don't ever leave like that. Please baby. I love you princess," he says, pulling me into his arms as I break down. He just stays there, holding me and whispering apologies and comforting words to me until I finally stop crying.

"Do you really hate peanut butter?" I mumble into his shirt once the tears have subsided. I feel the rumble of his chest as he chuckles, his arms tightening around me.

"Yes," he confirms. "But for you I'd eat it every day."

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