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"I can't believe I'm doing this" he mutters under his breath. I smile up at him with a grin, treading water as I watch him cautiously lower himself into the pool, clinging tightly to the wall.

"You'll be fine. The water isn't that deep." I assure him. "Besides, I know CPR" I add jokingly.

"We should practice that part" he says with a cheeky smile, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. I laugh swimming a few feet back shaking my head.

"You wanted to learn to swim so that's what we are doing" I say with a grin. His smile disappears and fear lights up his eyes as he nervously nods.

"Just push a couple feet off the wall and kick your feet and move your arms like this" I say, demonstrating how to tread water. He nods and pushes off the wall. He manages to do it for a few seconds before letting out a yelp as his head starts going under. In a second, I'm back at his side, pulling him to the wall. He breaks the surface with a gasp, shaking the water from his hair.

"Next time try to keep your arms and legs moving rhythmically. Don't panic and start flailing" I say. He nods, his hand tightening on the wall. "It's alright, I'll be right here to pull you back if you go under again" I say trying to assure him. He nods, sucking in a deep breath looking out at the pool, still not letting go. "You don't have to do this" I say after a moment. He looks back at me, determination in his eyes.

"Yes I do. You love swimming. I want to be able to do this with you" he says before pushing back off the wall. This time he manages to keep his head above water. "Look, I'm doing it" he exclaims gleefully and I clap my hands, cheering him on. After a couple minutes, I reach out my hand and he grabs it and I pull him back to the wall. The next hour or so I teach him how to float and some easy strokes like the front and backstroke. I figured he didn't really need to learn the butterfly or breaststroke right now. Finally I pull myself out of the pool, letting my feet dangle in the water. Zayn paddles over and pulls himself up, sitting down next to me. I absentmindedly start tracing the microphone tattoo on his arm.

"You did it,” I say with a wide smile. "You overcame your biggest fear" He shakes his head and I frown confused. My hand freezes on his tattoo and I look up at him waiting for an explanation.

"It's not my biggest fear" he explains which only confuses me more.

"But I thought..." I start saying before he cuts me off taking my hand in his.

"It is one of my fears, but its not my biggest. My biggest fear is losing you, but that's one I'm not going to let happen" I feel my cheeks blush and I duck my head to hide it. He lifts my chin so I'm looking into his eyes. "I'm serious Nav, if I lost you it would be like I’m drowning with no one there to save me" he says before pressing his lips to mine.

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