Don't go, Stay please

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As our Sunday together was coming to an end I was dreading the fact that he was going to leave me to sleep by myself tonight. Here I am being super clingy as I wrapped myself around his legs, he tried to move me but I just held on tighter. He finally removed me from his legs and started to fix his shirt when I threw myself at him.

I hugged him and smelled his sweet scent, I loved it so much. "I'll be back babygirl" he says hugging me back "no, you're gonna be gone for three weeks like last time" i pout "I'll be back before you know it" I shake my head and refuse to let go. "Don't leave, please stay" I whine.

He kisses me over and over again "I really have to go" I sigh and let go, he pulls me back into his embrace. "Call me when you need to, I'll call you and stuff" he ruffles my hair "stop and okay leave before im a sobbing mess" i cross my arms, he kisses me one last time and leaves.

I sigh and decide I should get to bed since it's already ten and I have to be at work early to get out early. I toss and turn then I grab my phone;
"I can't sleep" I say
"I'll stay on the line with you till you do okay?"
"I miss you" I say with a yawn
"I know" he sighs
"Ben, what um are we?" I suddenly asking regretting it
"I haven't asked you out yet, maybe you don't want me to" I can imagine his stupid grin
"Oh god"

He talks more then I do and before I know it, I've already fallen asleep. I rush to the bathroom to take a pee. I brush my teeth and then comb through the knots in my hair making it straight. I change into some clothes. I wear black jeans and a white shirt with some old converse.

I pick up my bag and head out the door, I keep looking back that I bump into someone. "Hey" he says "hi" I mutter "I thought you were leaving?" I raise a brow making him shrug. "It leaves in 2 hours my dad called me really late last night to tell me the time change. Were you okay all through the night?" He cups my cheek with his large hand.

"Mhm, I have to be at the club now because my manager wants me to start being a bartender again" I lock up, he takes my hand in his "you look really beautiful today" he says kissing my cheek "ugh stop it Ben, you live to make me feel these things" I groan and start walking. I'm scared of feeling and being loved again.

"Why do you have scars on you arms?" he asks making me pull away and play with my fingers. I stare at the ground "y-you don't want to know" I say shaking a bit. "Tell me" he rubs the palm of my hands. "I-I was a real drug addict I have the needle scars I was desperate back then but Mary my manager made me get clean because of my job" i sigh

"I've been clean for almost 3 three years now but I get a craving that makes me want to shoot up again, to feel it and get to that high I don't come down from. I've overdosed before but they got to me before anything got bad" I can feel the sweat forming "I had an ex the one you beat up and he used to beat me, I went in to work with bruises and busted lips which worried Mary and she called the police on him for me"

He embraces me in a hug "I'm proud of you, you're strong and im glad you're still here" he kisses my head. I wipe away a few is my tears and nod "lets go or im gonna be late" I say pulling him out of the building. The drive doesn't take that long, "I have to go meet up with my dad and stuff before we go. I'll call you when we land and just.." He kisses me but it turns more into a make-up session.

I lick my swollen lips after "take care and don't do anything stupid. I think you know where I live, I left the key in a good hiding place if you ever want to go there you know if you miss me too much" I laugh "okay" he pecks my lips a few more times "bye" I say "I'll see you later" he winks at me.

I step out of his car and wave him off as he drives off in his nice car. I walk inside and quickly get behind the bar. This place isn't as packed as it is at night but it is fairly early so I guess that makes sense a bit. I start asking for order and making drinks for people. "Hey!" a man yells, i make my way over to him.

"What can I get for you?" I ask wiping my hands off my apron "another beer" he says, I grab a beer from our cooler and hand it to him. "Aren't you that hooker who dances here?" he says after I turn my back "I'm not a hooker, im just a stripper" I say "that doesn't mean you wouldn't suck some dick for a little extra" I hear his twisted and sick laugh.

"Listen buddy, you're acting like a real asshole right now. I suggest you take it down a few fucking notches okay?" my whole body is filled with anger "no, fuck that you're a slut" he throws his drink at me. I throw one good punch at him till im pulled back by one of my co-owners.

"Hey! what the fuck is going on here?" Mary asks "he was being really rude, he called me a slut because I dance here then I told him to cool it and he threw his drink at me" my words come out like poison. I just want to curl up in Ben's arm and cry like the little baby I am.

I grab my things and run out of the club, I run until I can hear Mary's voice yelling at me to come back, I run till my vision gets blurry and sobs escape my lips. I cry and cry until I feel nothing. When I finally do get home, I lock up and drop my things going straight to my bed.

I fall asleep and wake up to my phone ringing for the millionth time. I turn it off and go back to sleep. I sleep through the whole night. I don't know how long I've been in bed, I haven't done anything, I've barely eaten and I have yet to turn my phone on. Mary is probably pissed I haven't showed up for work. I don't care, I don't care I yell at myself in my head.

I lay in bed cold as ever for a few more days maybe weeks i don't fucking know, all I've been doing is sleeping and eating. I hear a door being unlocked and my heart starts beating faster. No one has the key to my apartment, I start to panic but don't move. "Sia" its Ben "I've been so worried" I face the other way.

"I called your boss and she told me what happened and you haven't been to work in 2 weeks. Why?" Its only been two weeks "Sia" he comes over to me. I start crying "I'm pathetic don't you get it! I'm fucking useless! He was right im just a good fuck and thats it nothing more" I shout at him.

"Shut up, you don't know what you're saying" he sits next to me "yes I do, im me I would know" I say crying a bit more. He hugs me and we lay down in my bed "I was really worried" he says "you shouldn't have been" i mutter nuzzling into his warmth. My eyes feel heavy. "No, you've been sleeping all week" he gets out of my bed and gets pulls me to my feet.

I take off my pajamas and change into something different. My hair is braided into two french braids. I meet him in the living room "I don't wanna go" I sneeze "bless you and you have to" he grabs my hand. I lock up and we walk down to his car outside. "I don't know, I can't face her" i sigh.

He says nothing as we pull up to the club, we walk out and I hesitate to go inside. "You'll be okay" he kisses my head. I walk in and go to her office, ben on my trail. "Oh its nice to see you back" Mary smiles "sorry for um walking out and not coming in for work" I shrug. "Its okay, people thought you quit. Some girls even came to take your place but I didn't let them have it" I laugh.

After a few minutes of silence she asks "who's this?" I clear my throat but Ben beats me to it "I'm Ben..just a friend" they shake hands "oh right you called about her" they have a nice little conversation that I zone out of. "Are you working tonight? I mean if you want to, you can dance but you can do some bartending too" I think about it.

"Yeah I'll be here in like 2 hours"

Sia the stripperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang