Chase's Past Chapter 10 The End

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Skye:"Chase let's head to the room where Marshall is."

Chase:"Uh where is it."

Skye:"I don't know lets just look around until we find them."

Chase:"Or we can just call Ryder and tell him what room they are in."

Skye:"Oh yeah."

After calling Ryder and asked what room they were in they went to that room and when Chase saw Marshall and he started to tear up

Skye:"Oh no."

Chase:"Is he going to be ok."

Ryder:"Doctor says there's a 50/50 chance he might live."

Chase walked out the room and out the hospital and got in his police truck and drove near the woods to have a walk through the woods after a few minutes of walking Skye called him

Skye:"Chase why did you leave?"

Chase:"I was just mad I just went for a walk we need to get Blizzard and end him."

Skye:"Woah Chase we're not killing him."

Chase:"Fine. I'll think about it."

Skye:"Ok Chase."

Chase hanged up and walked far away from his police cruiser.

Chase:"I don't care what anyone says anymore I'm ending Blizzard once and for all."

Chase grabbed his pup tag and crushed it. He started making his way back to his cruiser. Chase was driving around the city until he caught a weird scent. He got out of his police cruiser and followed the scent, the scent led him to an old warehouse. Chase looked around for an entrance and did and who he saw in there was Blizzard.

Chase:"*Growls* I'm gonna kill him. I don't care what anyone says I'm killing him!"

Back at the hospital

Skye:"Chase, Chase! Ryder Chase doesn't pick up."

Ryder got his pup pad and went to Chase's logo and it showed and X on it indicating that Chase's pup tag is destroyed.

Ryder:"He destroyed his pup tag. Oh no pups we got to find him now!"

Rocky:"But Ryder we don't know where he is."

Ryder:"Don't worry Rocky we'll find him."

Back at the warehouse

Chase went into the warehouse and saw Blizzard all alone.

Blizzard:"Well well well if it isn't the big bad stupid wolf. I suppose you still want this. *holds up vial with the cure*"

Chase:"You know I do Blizzard."

Blizzard:"Here have it I have no use for it anymore because I'm just gonna kill you.

Blizzard threw a lighter on the ground and the warehouse started to catch on fire. Chase put the vial in his pup pack and started to fight Blizzard.

Back at the hospital

Ryder and the pups were still at the hospital with Marshall when Ryder's pup pad rang.

Ryder:"Ryder here."

Mayor Goodway:"Ryder there is a fire in old Adventure Bay warehouse please get the pups here quick! I already called the fire department to clear the fire."

Ryder:"Don't worry Mayor Goodway no job is too big no pup is too small."

All the pups left the room and went to their vehicles and headed to the warehouse. Once they got there Skye overheard a fire fighter say that there are two pups in there. Skye immediately ran inside and saw Chase fighting Blizzard.


Chase turned around and saw Skye but then Blizzard stabbed him. Chase fell to the ground bleeding and Skye ran up to him but Blizzard scratched her face and Chase got up and pushed him into the fire killing him. Chase and Skye got out of the warehouse and back to safety and explained everything. They got back to the lookout and Tundra told Chase something.

"So Chase you have the cure?"

"Yeah I do."

Chase drank the cure and started to feel like his old self again.

Chase:"Listen Tundra I wanna thank you for helping me since I was from being a werewolf to now I wanna thank you for what you did."

"No problem Chase."

"But I have one question."

"What is it."

"Did you like me when I was a werewolf."

"Yes- NO What are you talking about. Ok fine I did. And I always wanted to do this."

"Do what?"

Tundra tackled Chase and gave him a long kiss.

"Sorry Chase."

"It's fine."

"Tundra please don't do that again because if you I'll rip you apart. He is my Chase not yours."

"Skye relax."

"Well I guess I won't have some special."

"Why don't you look right here Tundra." Rocky gave Tundra a long kiss and told Tundra how he felt about her.

Ryder:"Well pups it's good to have the old Chase back."

Chase:"Whoa whoa whoa now is not the time to celebrate lets go check on Marshall. We can't celebrate without that pup."

They all headed to the hospital and the doc said that Marshall will be fine and they all took him home and they celebrated the whole day.

The end

Authors note
Oh my gosh how long has it been since I last updated this book but you know IM FINALLY DONE WITH IT I GET TO WRK ON OTHER BOOKS NOW :DDDDDDDD

I wanted to thank everyone who has followed me and read my books and enjoyed them and I wanted to especially thank thomash19 my first ever friend on Wattpad I just wanna thank him for helping me out also check his books they are awesome.



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