chapter 1

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"Ouch!" Beth gasped. "Mandy, you're on my foot!"
The Labrador just wagged her tail,pinning Beth's toes under the full weight of her front paw.
Beth gave her a gentle shove "off!"
"Well hurry up then," her best friend, James says. "You know how impatient she gets waiting to go for a walk." Beth gets up quickly and snatches up blue sneakers and her blue raincoat.
"Wow Beth you do love the color blue." James laphs. He looks around "Beth?" "James help!!" He looks out the door and sees Beth getting dragged by mandy "not again! I'm coming Beth!" James runs down the street after her lapping , "I told you we should of took her on her walk this morning but no you had to beat black ops 2 first!!" Just help me already!!!" "Ok ok I'm coming! Sandy slow down!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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