Chapter 54

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The next day

Emma's pov
So Andi wants to have coffee today when she comes don't say anything what I said yesterday I said. I'm not but what about Chris Jax asked. Obviously he's not gonna use his powers I said. Just because we tell him that doesn't mean he won't do it he said. Jax I'm the chosen one and his mom I can take away his powers I said. The door bell rings. That's them I said. I open the door. Hello I said. Hi Emma this is Jonathan my husband and our kid Carlos Andi said. Hi nice to meet you I said. You too Jonathan said. This is Jax and we have twins Elizabeth and Christopher I said. Emma why don't we let our guys talk alone and we talk alone Andi said. Ok I said.

Jax's pov
So hi Jax Jonathan said. So how old is Carlos I asked. Two how about your kids he asked. Seven I said. Seven! What year were they born he asked. 2015 and I know what you're gonna ask how old were you I was 16 me and Emma always get that question but do I reject it my family is the best thing that happen to me I said. That's sweet so how long have you and Emma been married he asked. Uh zero me and her aren't married and we don't want to get marry I said. Why you love her don't you he said. Yeah but just because we don't get marry doesn't mean we don't love each other I said.

Emma's pov
I know Andi said. Know what I asked. You're mad at me...still she said. Why do you think that I asked. Yesterday it was pretty obvious that you didn't to talk to me she said. Well I said. Why are you mad at me she asked. I didn't have my best friend anymore because she moved I said. I'm sorry but I had to leave this drama she said. I understand I said. Why don't we just forget about the past just be friends again she said. Sure I said.

Jax's pov
Well me and Emma were engaged I said. What happen Jonathan asked. We were to young we were sixteen how old were you when you and Andi got engaged I said. Twenty he said. Oh I said. You and Emma are a cute couple but it will cuter if you two get marry he said.
How about this let's change the subject I said. Daddy! Chris lost my American girl doll Elizabeth said. No I didn't Christopher said.
Yeah you did you took it and put it somewhere in mommy and daddy's room Elizabeth said. Chris give your sister her doll back I said. Okay fine Christopher said. But find it without using magic I whispered. Ok I won't he said. So this Elizabeth and Christopher Jonathan said. Yeah but we call them Chris and Elly for short I said.

Emma's pov
So where do you work Andi asked. I'm a nurse I said. You're a nurse that's amazing she said.
Yeah but sometimes I have to work overtime so I don't get to see the twins what do you do I said. I'm a stay at home mom she said. Oh I said. Well look at the time it's almost time for Carlos's nap we should do this again she said. Yeah just call me I said. Ok bye she said. Jonathan and Andi leave. Em Jax said. Yeah I said. Let's get married he said. What I said in shocked. Do you love me he asked. Yes of course I love you I said. Then marry me he said. Jax remember what happen when we got engaged I don't want to go through that again I said. Em Jonathan told me today that we should and he said that we don't love each other because we're not marry he said. Why do you care about what he thinks I thought we're fine I said. Yeah same just forget what I said I'm going to the bar with Diego he said. Ok I love you be safe I said. I kiss Jax. Bye Em Jax said. Jax leaves. I begin to cry. Mommy what's wrong Elizabeth asked. Nothing I said. Where did daddy go she asked. Oh went to work I said. Ok,uh mommy what does marry mean she asked. Marry aka Marriage is when two people who love each other very much decided to spend the rest of their lives together and become husband and wife I said. Oh so are you and daddy marry she asked. No I said. So you don't love daddy she asked. What no I love him very much I said. Then why don't you marry him she asked

Hope you guys liked the chapter
Original posted 1-25-16 (25-1-16)

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