Chapter 5

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°•°Lauren's POV°•°

I kept my eyes closed.

Everything around me seemed to be going in slow motion, and I didn't want to watch. I sat huddled up in the corner of the living room, Bella sobbing in my arms. One of my hands rubbed up and down her back while the other held her head to my shoulder. Thick tears slowly fell down my cheeks, but no sound of a cry came out.

"Shut her up!" A rough voice yelled out, and I finally opened my eyes to see the man in front of us pointing a gun at Bella.

It wasn't just any man, it was one of the three men that were staring at Bella and I when we were walking home from the doctor. He and his two buddies broke through the front door a few minutes after we arrived home.

Bella soon let out an even louder sob when the gun was pointed at her head.

"I said shut her the fuck up now!" The man yelled again, his two buddies searching around the house upstairs.

My hands brought Bella's head off of my shoulder to look at me. "Bella baby, look at me." My thumb brushed the tears from her cheeks. "You have to be quiet, you have to stop crying, okay?"

No matter what I said, Bella wouldn't stop crying.

Before I could do anything, the man's hand wrapped around Bella's arm and yanked her away from me.

"Stop!" I screamed out. Myself crying out only brought the gun to Bella's head. "She didn't do anything to you.....neither did I."

He simply ignored us, turning his head to face the stairs. "Whatcha got up there?" I yelled up to his buddies.

I made eye contact with Bella, causing her to let out another sob.

"I swear, if this kid doesn't shut up....."

"What do you expect from a child who has a gun to her head!" I screamed out, anger boiling through me.

Suddenly, a familiar voice said in a voice of shock, "Bella, Lauren?!" My head snapped to where the voice came from to see Steven with a look of fear present on his face.

"Daddy!" Bella sobbed.

In a matter of seconds, Steven had charged at the man who held Bella hostage. Both of the men went flying to the ground, Steven on top. Little Bella continued to cry as she crawled under the coffee table in the living room.

As for me, I couldn't do anything. My mind told my body to move, but my body didn't listen.

°•°Steven's POV°•°

That night, I took the man holding a gun to Bella's head down before he even knew what was happening. Since I was on top, one of my hands went around his neck while the other clenched into a tight fist. I brought that fist down on the man's face three times before he managed to grab his gun that had been knocked out of his hand.

Once the gun was in his hand, he hit me upside the head up it, causing my to fall to the side in pain.

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I heard Lauren yell as she ran over to try to pry the man off of me. "Sto-" this time, she was cut off by the man hitting her upside the head with the gun.

Rage bubbled throughout me, and I got back on top of the man. He still had his gun in hand, making him point it at my stomach. As soon as I realized he was about to pull the trigger, I knocked his hand away.

I wasn't quick enough.

A sharp, burning pain went through my side, for the bullet had grazed me.

"Daddy!" Bella cried out from under the coffee table. I stole a quick glance over at Lauren who was digging frantically through a drawer.

In the moment that I looked over at Lauren, the man took the time to shoved me off of him. He stood up with the gun in his hand. "Stand up!" He yelled out while pointing the gun at me, myself following his orders.

It was then that one single gunshot rang out, and the man fell backwards and onto the ground.

Chapter question: I really want to start a Glenn Rhee book (not him and Maggie, him with an OC) because I have some ideas and I think you all would like it, so if I were to start one, would you all read it maybe????

Please please please answer the chapter question! I really want to start a Glenn Rhee book so bad, but I don't know if any of you would read it.

I'm giving a chapter shoutout in the next chapter!

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