Chapter 7

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°•°Lauren's POV°•°

The same sound played through my head over and over again late that night as I laid alone in the guest room of Steven's house.

The sound of a gunshot.

The gunshot that grazed over Steven's shoulder.

My eyes were fixed on the ceiling above me, for I could not fall asleep. No matter how hard I tried, and no matter how exhausted I became, sleep never came to me. The bed felt too cold and empty.

I felt my hands begin to creep up my sides and to my head, my fingers getting tangled up in my hair as I let out a sigh. Nothing seemed to make sense in my mind. I went from feeling nothing but complete and utter hatred towards Steven to practically falling in love with him all over again. 

My lips parted slightly to let out another shaky breath when suddenly I heard a creek. Before I knew it, a hand had grabbed onto my arm, and lips were on mine.

Without even having to look, I already knew it was Steven because of the way our lips fit together perfectly. The way they moved in complete sync. I felt his soft hands begin to slide up and down my sides, just like he always used to.

No words were even spoken from either of us before Steven pulled ours shirts off. My fingers began to trail up to tangle in his silky hair, and his gently brushed against the skin on my back. He then pulled me onto his lap, so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, his lips slowly trailing up my neck. "I'm sorry, Lauren."

"For what?" I breathed out while my fingers still gripped onto his hair.

"For leaving you," he continued as I laid back, and Steven leaned over me. "For everything."


°•°Steven's POV°•°

"And tell me did this happen?" A doctor asked as he slowly pushed a needle into my shoulder. He began to stitch me up, but I didn't feel anything because of the numbing shot I received beforehand.

I let a sigh escape my lips. "I was cleaning up around the house and went to go down the stairs when I slipped on one of my daughter's stuffed animals. I fell down a couple of stairs and scrapped my shoulder on the stair railing."

"Daughter, huh?" The doctor said before putting a bandage on my shoulder. "Does your wife know about what happened?"

I paused for a moment, dropping my head slightly. "I....don't have one."

"Single father? That must be tough."

"No I'm uh.....I'm divorced," I replied.

My words made the room go silent for a small moment, and then the doctor finally spoke up. "Well Steven, just keep those stitches in for a couple week, and then come back and we'll take them out."

"Thank you," I said, shaking the man's hand.

"The checkout is right down the hall." I gave the doctor a nod, and slowly proceeded out of the small room.


°•°Lauren's POV°•°

My fingers quickly tapped on the couch cushions anxiously, for I was waiting for Steven to get home.

It wasn't until one in the afternoon when Steven came through the front door of his house. He locked the door behind him before coming into the living room where I was sitting.

"How'd it go?" I asked as he dropped his coat and keys on the coffee table.

Steven let a small sigh escape, and he sat down next to me.

"You okay?" I questioned in a quiet whisper.

He hesitantly nodded. "Yeah, I'm just.....I'm sorry."

"Steven, you've said that a hundred times since last night." My fingers slowly ran through the soft hair at the nape of his neck. "I promise that I forgive you." I pressed my forehead against his. "Okay?"

"Okay," he replied softly.

I couldn't help but bring his lips to mine, a kiss sparking between us. It was that day that I felt complete again.

I hope you all are happy about Steven and Lauren being back together!

Divorced Love (Stauren) {Book 1}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz