Chapter 14

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Were in L.A a month now. Rose is showing really good at seven months. Im showing too. Edward and the men got jobs here. Sue skyped my dad for updates. Mom been found and going to be house arrest. Everyone is asleep and I cant sleep. Then a big bang was on the door. Edward got up and went to check so did Emmett Carlisle Jeremy and Jasper. The rest came on the landing. They opened the door and my mom with my dad was there. Shes here to say sorry to Edward and Bella Dad said. I got my robe and went down stairs. Alice and Tanya came with me. Edward was on the love seat across from my mom. I sat beside Edward and crossed my hands over my bump. Sweetie I know your pregnant Renee said. How I said. Your dad he told me not to put you under to much stress my mom said. Renee say what you need to say dad said. Edward and Bella im sorry I was high and drunk and I wasnt myself but I dont drink or do drugs anymore and I really want to be in Carlies life Renee said. Edward was getting mad. I kissed his cheek. Yes I love to have my mom in my life I said. Bella she tried to kill you Edward snapped. If your think of it would I be six months pregnant if it wasnt for the wheelchair I said. True Edward said. Edward and im also sorry for that I know your a big football fan Renee said. See my mom is nice I said. Mom why did you leave us Jeremy said. I didnt want you kids to have a messed up life see I got arrested for doing drugs but let off cause I was married to your father so we talked and I thought it was the right thing to do Renee said. Carlie just moved. I smiled. Getting restless I said rubbing my stomach. She kicked and I laughed. Edward came and put both hands on my stomach. Use are going to be amazing parents Renee said.We smiled at her. Calm Carlie to much kicking for mommy I said.

A/N:Renee in the picture now. They know why she left.


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