He asked you to be in Thriller (thriller era)

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A/N: I'm so sorry I have not been updating this story very much. I've really been focusing my attention on a Murder Mystery story I've been writing called "The Edge" if your interested then please check it out but I will try my best to update this as much as I can. Thank you!

You laid comfortably across your couch, flipping through channels, nothing catching your attention.
Suddenly, you jumped out of you skin as you heard your radio come on.
"What the hell??.." you whispered to yourself.
"Just beat it!!" The sound of Michaels singing voice boomed through your radio speakers and across your home.
You quickly sat up as you realized you forgot to turn off your radio. The catchy beat swirled around you as you found yourself sitting up, instantly hypnotized by his melodic voice and rhythm.
You stood on your two feet and began to sway your hips and snap your fingers as you danced along to the beat.

RING....RING!..the erupting phone screamed at you.
You sighed as you forced yourself to go answer the phone instead of continuing to dance.
"Hello?" You answered sluggishly.
"Are you busy??!" Your agent yelled curiously.
"No kevin.." you sighed as you held the phone in between your shoulder and cheek. You adjusted your huge pearl colored sweater as you skipped to the kitchen. Turning on the light, you entered. The golden chandelier shining bright over your beautifully decorated and large kitchen, sculpted in pure gold along with fine marble designs and ocean pearls. You made your way excitedly over to the refrigerator, pulling out a cartoon of ice cream then dragging yourself over to the marble counter and getting a spoon from the drawer.
"What do you want?" You asked as you scooped up the ice cream and shoved the cold sliver spoon into your mouth.
"This is serious business!! Michael is about to start his music video for thriller and he's been casting girls left and right! From celebrities to regular girls coming from all over the world to audition!" He yelled in one breath.
"And this involves me, why?" You remarked as you dipped your spoon back into the cartoon before bringing it up to your mouth again. The sweet ice cream flowed in your mouth and left a freezing sensation against your teeth as you listened carefully to your agent.
"He wants you casted for Thriller!" He shouted.
"WHAT?!?!?!" You yelled. Your voice echoed through the walls of your home as you dropped your spoon and a little bit of ice cream spilled out of your mouth and onto your sweater.
"WAIT WHAT?!?!?" You yelled again.
"Yes!!! Hahaha!!!" He shouted as he chuckled a bit.
"You're kidding right?" You asked in disbelief.
"No! In fact he's on his way to your house to meet with you now!!" Kevin informed.
"I HAVE TO GO!" You hung up.

You dropped your house phone and flew faster than the speed of light down the hall and up the endless staircase as you raced to your room. You nearly trampled your poor baby husky on the way to your room as you rushed to find yourself something decent to wear. You shot into your walk in closet and quickly raided the place in despair of trying to find something that wasn't covered in ice cream.
Finally, you found a long sleeved burgundy red crop top to wear with a pair of black leggings. You changed quickly and began to decide what to do with your hair before he got there.
Thinking quickly, you decided to brush your hair into a nice formal and slick pony tail.

DING.....DONG.!!.. 'oh no he's here' you thought to yourself as you sped walked down the stairs and to the front door.
"Please don't embarrass yourself.." you reassured yourself as you put on smile and wrapped your fingers around the golden door knob.
"Hello." You said shyly as you smiled and looked up to see the one and only michael jackson standing at your door.
"Hello beautiful." He greeted as he took your hand and kissed it tenderly. A bright pink blush spread across your face.
"Come inside" you offered as you moved out of the way and fully opened your door and welcomed him.
His beautiful black and shiny curls hit up against his brown skin as he entered while he smiled at you.
"Beautiful home." He complimented in his soft voice.
"Thank you" you replied as you shut the door.

"Follow me." you instructed nicely as you directed him to follow you into your living room.

To be continued........

Haha ladies sorry I had to do it to ya! Lol stay tuned for part two and comment below what you think of my work so far as this is my first time writing imagines! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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