YouTube and chill??? // 17

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This chapter will be Nuggets POV so without further ado,  lets get this chapter going!

Nuggets POV

I wearily wake up my eyes and stretch out my adorable little paws! I look around from my silky soft kitten bed to see that my moms aren't awake yet. I let out a little meow yawn and I set afoot to explore the house. I roam the bedroom, hearing soft snores from the bed. My heart melts for them.

I then go to the bathroom, just to waste time because it's not even light out! I leap on the sink counter, almost knocking down some nail polish! I quickly panic and, of course, I fall in the sink! Thank god it's empty! I jump off the sink and onto the ground, and I quickly look to the bed.

Not a single move out of them. And I made a bit of noise! Phew! Im heading to the kitchen! I shake my fur a little bit and head there.

I pass by the sleeping giants and through the bedroom door, into the living room. If my eyes weren't adjusted for the dark, I would be a goner! I wander to my food bowl, and to my disadvantage, it's empty. Sigh. I guess I have to teach them a lesson!

I jump on top of the garbage can, and on top of the dinning room table.

Hmmm. What shall I break?

I look over to the empty glass vase.

This looks fun. I push it over to the edge, looking down on the tile floor, now debating whether I should push it over or not. I, of course, decide not to so I won't get in trouble from my masters.

I leap off of the table and prance to the couch, leaping on it, and curling up. I soon fall asleep.


Still Nuggets POV

I wake up to Ingrid and Hannah petting me. I slowly open my eyes and look up at them.
"Awww!!! How are you so cute?" Hannah says. I purr in response, leaning my head in her hand.

"We have to go Nuggs ok? We'll see you soon my little lion!" Ingrid says, petting me. She and Hannah both turn away, hand in hand, and walk out the door, locking it afterwards.

AN: Haha! Phil the Lion!!! Did ya see the connection? Kk back to the story lol.

Out of boredom, I stretch out my little fluffy body and I look around the room. I could go to my cat metropolis, or I could play with my string mouse play-thing.

I make up my mind and walk to the towering mess of carpet. I haven't made it to the top yet, but one day, I will. I know it.

I start to climb Mt. Atsume. My claws sink into the carpet exterior, giving me grip. I close my eyes, and imagine myself climbing Mt.Everest, the frost and wind blind my eyes. But up on the top, a golden glowing sensation appears. I want to go to that sensation, but the bone bitter coldness gets to me. I keep climbing on, but I loose my gripping, and I fall.

As I hit the ground, the imagination of me climbing Mt.Everest is gone. I quickly get on my paws and look around, and I see the regular surroundings of reality. The, quite warm, reality. Which I like.

I ruffle my fur a bit, and I wander around the house, looking for stuff to do. And of course, I wander back to the bedroom, and onto my fluffy cat bed. I quickly fall in a deep slumber.

•-•-•-•-• •-•-•-•-••-•-•-•-• Time skip to when Hannah and Ingrid gets home •-•-•-•-••-•-•-•-••-•-•-•-•

I wake up to the sound of a car by the front of the house. I think Hannah and Ingrid. I quickly get on my feet and run to the door, so I can meet them of course. They love it when I do that.

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