first meeting

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I was a new student in the school. When we moved here i hated this place, i felt like i'm in hell. But day by day i started making friends and getting along

I'm a normal girl but as they say a little bit crazier than normaal. I love laughing and having fun. I wear hijeb. Some how short but not a lot and you can say a slim girl.... I guess hhhh ooh and by the way my name is Bouchra and as everyone call me Bichou

I was 15 years old whrn i first met him. The crazy boy.. My crazy boy
He was soo shy and i didn't even notice him. Everyone knew him as the calm sweet boy... I'll call him R

He's a tall slim boy with black hear and brown eyes. He wear glasses and it looks so good on him. He look smart with glasses hhhhh jocking. He's not that smart and i'm more smart then him the truth must be said

One day we had sport. And that's my favorite two hours in the week, that day we talked for the first time. He sounded soo sweet and funny i loved spending time with him
And that's how our relation began

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