Misunderstanding solved

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In another rainy day hhhhhh damn every big event of my life happens in rainy days

Well, that day after our commune friend made things between us much clear .. R came to my class when everyone went out, we stayed looking to each other for a moment then he started talking:

" hey..... So how are you? "
" good... You?! "
" great.... Well i'm sorry "
" yeaah, i'm sorry too"

And this is the amazing make out easy..... piece of cake
He put his arm around my neck and we went out together

I was soo happy and my heart was racing like 200km/h lool my girlfriend were all screaming and laughing since we came back together. Especially my besty Anissa.... It was like she was flying from happiness , that's why were sisters.... Her happiness is mine and mine is her'se

So we went home the three of us. Me R and my besty we were laughing and having fun... Anissa kept calling us love birds 'cause we were catching hands and he kept looking at me

Aaaah. It was such a romantic evening and i felt soo good that i hoped those moments won't end at all

And like that the old crazy couple was back

Stupid Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora