The Beginning

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"Lalit. Wake up! Wake up, Lalit.
Its new day. You're getting late for school. Either you get up or u'll miss the bus."
Me... trying to check the time. Bed seems to me like my girlfriend and waking up..... a breakup. But ultimately i collected courage and left my darling all alone over there . Sorry baby, I'll see you soon tonight. As soon as i stood up and checked the time it brought a thunderstorm to me.
"Oh shit! I'm half an hour late.
Good morning mom. It'll take a just a minute or two for me to get ready. Meanwhile you get my breakfast and lunch box ready".
Before taking leave i made sure that i'm fully ready to move. By saying "Fully Ready" i mean combing of hairs , polishing of shoes ' handkerchief in pocket , spraying of deo . Actually there is no specific deo meant for me. Whichever i see, i spray. Since its the first day of the session 2012-13 in the school i don't wanna forget any required thing at home. I once again reassured and moved towards bus stop. I had passed the exams and now had been promoted to 9th standard. As soon as i reached the school i saw a notice board kept near to the roses. It was holding the papers which is saying to every single student of the school ,"Come child, have a look at me check your room no. and get lost".
I followed its instructions and proceeded. Finally after passing the numerous staircase i reached my destination. Hush! I'm here. I'm now 9thian. I'm a SUB-SENIOR. A sort of proud i felt inside me. The sections is not fixed so i entered the class where my buddies was sitting. Also the section i left was having that in-charge whom i dislike and this was another reason i preferred the other section. With the passage of time the assembly proceedings took place and now the announcements of the names class teacher allotted to particular group of students which is also termed as a class, were made. I'm happy . The teacher i disliked was not my class teacher. Our class teacher actually mam, named Anjali was new among the staff. She'd joined the school this year only.
"Ok class now listen to your roll no.s"
She gave us our new roll no.s
Firstly she called our name nd then added our roll no.
"Aarushi, your roll no. is 1. Amit , you're roll no 2" and so on.
When the roll call had finished mam told us that 2 students had got their section changed and now they'll study with you in your section. As soon as mam completed her sentence two girls entered the class. They were the same about whom mam was talking about. Among the two one was Aarushi . (The name may confuse you by that "roll no.1 Aarushi".) That Aarushi is Aarushi Bhardwaj nd this..... she is Aarushi Dwivedi . Two girls with the same name.
And the other girl among the two is Disha.
We all welcomed them to our class but they..... it seems like they were not happy. Maybe all their friends were left behind with the old section . It's human nature, once we got attach to someone, it become very hard for us to forget them. But it is equally true that attachment leads to detachment. The same rule we preferred and followed too. They were our friends too. Yes we were not their so good friends but sync we're friends , we all decided to facilitate the two by our comfort zone and the same we did. With the passage of time they were dissolved in our friend zone. I offered my friendship to both of them but Disha shared much good and strong friendship bond with me. We began to spend time together in school hours. We pass our every period by talking to each other instead of studying. I don't know from where she got this habit of "Chatting". Here chatting is not what we do through mobiles but through copies. Yes , we chat by writing over the pages and this was the other factor which made our friendship more deep than earlier. In between of all these chit-chats i don't know how but i got a secret crush on her but kept this fact unrevealed.
From just friends to good friends and now my crush on her , this is how the new beautiful chapter of my life BEGUN...

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