chapter one

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Chapter one

          The moon was starring down making a path I had to get through. I follow listening to any type of sounds. A crunch of leaves snaps and makes me turn around. In front of me a man at least six foot five inches stands.

“Carson Meyer I presume?”I nod and look at the man with two different eyes colors; one being blue and the other a dark brownish color. He holds out his hand to me and says,

 “Hello dear I’m Louis Reed. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I shake his hand and smile. “I know it’s a bit late but thank you for coming.” “No problem.” He leads me down the path to a huge building.

We take a left and I see a black limo. He walks over to the door and opens it for me. I get in the back of the limo and he follows after. “Well you have been recruited.  We are well aware that you’re family is in this line of work.

You are not of age yet to do missions. At the age of sixteen you will and have your first mission. We will train you with guns and knives. And we will make sure that you have exceeded all of the combat courses.”

          I nod following what he says. The limo start moving and I look out the window. “Also you won’t see your parents for a while, they are on a mission but your brother will be home.

          I look over at Louis. “How long will I have to train? Who’s going to train me?” He looks thoughtful for a second. “I think I will get an instructor for you.” The limo stops and he opens the door.

“Here you go; I will send someone to give you the times for your training.” I get out of the limo and walk to the gate. I walk over to the pad for the password and type it in.

The gate slowly opens and I look up to see our beautiful house. It was pretty big compared to most in this neighborhood.  It had a music room, and a gym, then at least three bathrooms, two master bedrooms, and three normal bedrooms.

I got one of the masters, and my older brother got a normal bedroom. I walk to the front door and open it. One minute I was standing and the next I was on the ground with at least two hundred pounds on me.

 “How did the meeting go? When are they going to train you? Did you like Louis? I know when I first met him he was kind of creepy.” “Okay okay calm down.

 For the first question the meeting went well. I met him in this deserted place by this huge building. And someone is supposed to come over tomorrow to train me, but I don’t know how long I will be training for.

And Louis is okay I like the different eye color thing it looked cool.” He helps me up and spins me around. “My little sister is in WoooHooo.” I laugh and he finally sets me down.

Yawning loudly I sit down on the couch. He just picks me bridal way and takes me upstairs. Opening my door he sets me gently on my bed.  I cuddle up to the blanket and fall into a deep sleep.

          The next morning I wake up and notice Isaiah shaking me. “Someone is here to train you so get up.” I get up and walk to my closet for my work out clothes.  Walking downstairs and to the door on the right is the gym.

 I see a guy about the age of fourteen standing in front of me. He was an average guy that had light brown hair with Carmel green eyes. He was so tall that I had to look up to him.

          He grabs five sets of mats from the wall and lays them all down so we had a big area to fight on. “Don’t just stand there sit down we don’t have all day.” His voice was deep and husky.

I walk over to the mat and sit down while I was walking he looks me up and down. I blush deeply when his eyes stop on my chest for a second. “Today you can run for the morning and take a break halfway through, I will train you for the next

two years or longer if needed be. My only rule is no complaining you need to be ready for anything. And you can call me Aiden. I nod my head and get up. “How long do we train for?” “Well the first month it will be seven to four.” I open my mouth in protest at him,

“that’s seven freaking hours! I’m going to be tired and on top of that what if my friends want to hang out? What will I do then?” he laughs “that’s the point. But if you want to be a spy then you need this. And with your friends you’ll have to tell them you cannot hang for the rest of the summer or after school.”

The door opens wide and Isaiah steps in. His eyes go wide and he looks at Aiden. “Holy crap man I didn’t know you were training her Aiden?” Aiden looks up and walks over to my brother and they do the guy handshake.

Aiden and Isaiah grin “how was your first mission man?” Isaiah just shakes his head. I ignore them and get off the mat. I walk over to the edge of it and straighten out my hands and legs.

Putting my hands out in front of me, I do a round off. Projecting my legs to give me more momentum I finish the flips. After I was done I hear clapping behind me.

          “Holy crap sister you never told me you could do gymnastics!” I grin at them. “You don’t know about a lot of the things I can do.” He looks surprised and confused at the same time and shakes his head.

I point to the knife that was right next to him. “Toss me the knife and one of you stand against the wall.” Aiden walks over to me with the knife and Isaiah walks over to the wall.

Once he gets there I throw the knife and it ends up right next to his head his eyes move to see the knife imbedded into the wall. Aiden turns me around to face him,

 “How the hell did you do that? It took me years to get that close of a shot to anyone, especially your brother!” I laugh and clutch my stomach. “My mom taught me about a year ago and some basic combat that I needed to know. She didn’t want me to be defenseless so she taught me and here I am.”

 “How much did she teach you?” I smirk and swing my fist and it hits Aiden directly in the jaw where I wanted it to. He stumbles a bit but catches himself before he falls. He runs at me and tackles me.

 I cry out and act like he hurt me. He stops and get’s up “Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you!” I start tearing up acting like he hurt me and he holds out his hand to help me up.

I grab his hand but instead of me getting pulled up he gets pulled down and I tackle him and push his hands above his head. I hold it there for five seconds and then get up. He shocks me by tripping me and I land on my face.

My brother steps in and leans down to my ear. “Mom did not teach you that. There is no way!” I grin and look up at him. “Well I guess you will never know whether or not she did until she gets home.”

 I hear a ringing noise from his pocket and he leans away and grabs his phone. His face pales and he answers the phone. “Hello?” I couldn’t hear the person on the other side but all I saw was my brother tearing up.

I get up quickly and go over to him. “Bro what’s wrong?” he looks at me quickly but looks the other way. He hangs up the phone and grabs me in a hug.I was confused to say the least.

But I hug him back. He pulls away and says “They’re not coming back Carson they will never come back.” “Isaiah what are you talking about who won’t come back?”

He was crying, his back shaking and his legs couldn’t hold him anymore. “Carson our parents they aren’t coming back, their dead.” I look at him in confusion.

 “No no they can’t be dead. They were just here the other day saying they would come back!” He looks at me and he was crying more and more tears fell from his face.

Me I was just numb I couldn’t feel anything. I was in denial because they wouldn’t leave me. The next two weeks passed in a blur. We had the funeral for our burnt parents.

They died saving people and that was the last time I actually showed what I felt. I worked hard and never stopped and that was four years ago.

Being a Spy and Going Undercover (DO NOT READ UNDER CONSTRUNCTION. CHANGING!)Where stories live. Discover now