Let Her Go

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(Tommy's POV)

I should have stopped her. I shouldn't have let Jinx go, but what was Kim talking about? 

"Good choice, maybe she's not a stupid as she looks." Kim ran her hand down my chest making me wish she would just disappear. 

"Explain what that was...now?" I had no patience for Kim not when she was able to make Jinx give up so easily. 

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Did she actually think I would believe her let alone want to be with her? 

"Look she obviously figured out that jocks and losers don't mix, so maybe its time you figured that out too." She turned pushing her ass into me....the one time I wish I was into dudes. 

"It seems to be working for you, how many of the guys have you slept with?" I made my way to my towel where Jinx was sitting. She must have left her phone. I grabbed it before Kim could, knowing her she'd only use it against Jinx.

"Oh come on Tommy aren't you a little curious? Don't you want to see what it would be like with me?" I wanted to see what it was like to be with Jinx...I wanted Jinx. 

"Honestly Kim I would rather go blind and deaf then having to see or hear you ever again," I swear this girl didn't take no for an answer. 

"Tommy do you honestly think Jinx is going to want you when she finds out your little secret? I, on the other hand, don't care." What would Jinx think of me? I had to get out of there...no fifth period for me.  

When I got home there were a few messages mostly my mom reminding me no parties and one from my brother. It was weird I hadn't heard from him in about two and a half years. 

"Hey butt face it's your older brother, listen mom called and said something about being gone for a month or two I don't know anyways I'll be there in about a week to babysit you....later.". End of message. Great just what I needed. I got a few texts about a house party going on but I wasn't in the mood so I did the only thing I could think of I finished what little homework I had and turned in for the night...I'll give Jinx some time before I call her. "Shit, i have her phone."

That night I remembered how screwed up I was.  

Freshmen your I was a fuckin joke. I was so pissed at my parents for bragging about my brother to everyone. He was the youngest intern at St. Annes' Memorial...I hated him, well back then I did. Lately, we've been distant. I got so tired of him that I started drinking yeah I know underage drinking is wrong but no one knew so I kept doing it...not like my parents even saw me but one person did Rosa. Rosa was my families housekeeper but to me, she was more, she was the only one who asked how I was and took care of me when I was sick. She knew I was drinking and begged me to stop but I just ignored her. I blew her off every time she asked how I was. I was getting ready for another party one night when she passed by my room. 

"Tommy I have a bad feeling." Her motherly voice was calming.

"Rosa it'll be fine, I promise." I shouldn't have promised her anything. That night was a blur like the rest of the nights I got drunk only this time instead of waking up in my bed I woke up in a hospital bed and my mom sitting beside me crying her eyes out.

"Mom?" My voice was barely audible I wasn't even sure if I made a sound.

"T...tommy, are you okay how do you feel?" I've never seen my mother like this especially for me this was new.

"Mom what's going on, why am I in the hospital?"

"Honey I need you to calm down and listen, you were in an accident and..."

"And what mom, please what is it?"

"It's Rosa."  My mom said and my heart stopped.

"What's wrong with Rosa, where is she?" I was frantic trying to get out of bed but I was hooked up to IVs.

"Honey you were pretty messed up last night and you hit a tree." What did that have to do with Rosa?

"Where is she, where's Rosa?" I was panicking.

"Rosa was on her way home when a drunk driver hit her head on. Rosa, honey she died instantly." She was wrong she had to be. There was no way Rosa was dead.

"You're lying I know it. Rosa can't die, she would never leave me alone." She promised me, she wouldn't break that promise.

"Tommy you're not alone, you have your father and me not to mention your brother. "

"Are you kidding me, since when? It's always been just me and Rosa. You've never cared about me."  Hearing that woke my parents up....at least for a while anyway but I never drank after that. I still think of Rosa all the time. Maybe I should have died that night instead of Rosa.

I woke up the next day to my alarm blasting in my ear. "Fuck!" When I got to school my best friend Jesse was waiting for me.

"Dude you look like shit." Jesse laughed.

"I feel like shit." I needed to talk to Jinx. I needed to see her.

"So spill it."  He told me as we made way through the school building.

"Should I know what you're talking about? "

"Dude if you're going to bang this freak girl then do it and move on. I hear Kim is into you. "  What the hell was wrong with him. I knew Kim was behind this.

 "Jinx isn't some freak and she sure as hell isn't some quick bang. I don't ever want to hear you saying shit about her again. " Jesse is really lucky we're best friends.

 "Tommy look how you're acting, seriously dude just let her go."

"Let her go...Kim's already scared her away from me so you don't have to worry I'm not going to embarrass myself or you by dating the freak." I was so pissed at Jesse and Kim that I didn't realize that Jinx was standing right in back of me listening to me.

"Jinx hey I wanted to talk to you." I stuttered my words.

"I think you've done enough talking. " Jinx pushed passed me but my hand was around her wrist in no time.

"Jinx please hear me out, it was a misunderstanding." I tried to plead with Jinx.

"Harris you must really be stupid. Take your fuckin hand off of Jinx now." Max warned. I looked at Jinx, she was fighting back tears. How could I be so stupid, how could I hurt her?

"I really am sorry, I didn't mean any of it." My voice barely audible.

 "I never want to talk to you outside of health class, I hate you."

I watched as she walked away from me while that asshole Max comforted her. I was pretty much a zombie for the rest of school and when it was time for health class I was such a wreck. No, Jinx, I took my seat and waited for her, finally, she walked in and went straight to work on our project.

"Jinx please let me explain."

"Okay. ..explain yourself. " She said, not once looking at me.

"My friend Jesse was being an asshole talking about if I...well if we..well you know." I couldn't even bring myself to say it.

"And what did you tell him?"

"I told him you're not like that, Jinx I really like you. What you heard was me trying to be a sarcastic dick to my friend. Look you're not a freak, you're so amazing. I don't want to ruin this." And I didn't, Jinx was breaking me out of the darkness that i had been hiding in ever since that night.

"Tommy we can't be anything other than friends." She looked sad and I just wanted to hold her but I couldn't, I watched her as the lunch bell rang...she pushed through the lunch crowd to where her so-called friends sat.  How was I going to survive just being her friend? Since we both had fifth period free I followed her to the library,  I felt like a stalker. What was wrong with me? She ignored me last period and Max had a smug smile on his face. I wanted to punch it off of him but I guess Jesse was right...I should just let her go.

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