The begining

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Dean sat quietly against the door with his face in his hands. He couldn't believe it'd been ten years already. He could hear the hellhounds outside the door, growling, snarling, scratching at the door. Sam was off with Amelia. Unaware of deans current situation and what he'd done to get to where he was. Dean was ashamed. He really thought he was doing what was best for Sammy. Unaware of the hurt he caused. But everything Dean did was to save the family business. It was all to save people. Dean couldn't do it without Sam. He had to take Sam's distractions away. He didn't mean to hurt Sam. It all began when Sam wasn't speaking to John and Dean. John and Dean were on a hunt. They had found a nest of vamps and we're having trouble killing them. There were so many. They couldn't do this alone. It just wasn't the same without Sammy. They had to figure out a way to get Sam back.

"That's why we make it impossible for him to resist helping us... Find a monster to take her out. A werewolf, uhh uhh a vamp i don't know." Dean said.

"Dean. We can't do that. Not only is that crazy but why would we trust a vamp or werewolf to take out Jess and trust he wouldn't hurt Sam? Or better yet, us..?" John said.

"That's it.... A demon.... We can kill anything, right?" Dean said excitedly.

John looked confused and said. "What are you talking about? A demon?"

The light in deans eyes burned brighter than ever as he paced the floor and said. "Yes! A demon! We make a deal with a demon! Demon takes out Jess and in 10 years when he comes knockin' we gank him.."

John couldn't believe what he was hearing from Dean. "Dean.. Have you lost it...?"

Dean turned to John "it's perfect. Sam will never know the real story..."

John knew they needed to get Sam back.. But he knew it was cruel. They had tried so many times to get Sam back. Nothing had worked.

John whispered "I know the demon...."

"Who? Or which one?" Dean asked.

"You're not gonna like it..." John sighed.

Dean knew where this was going as he said. "you don't mean-.."

"The yellow eyed demon.... We all want him dead. Even Sam.. Let's just give him one more reason.." John whispered.

Dean was in shock. "That's it.. That's how we get him back."

John and Dean got the supplies to summon the demon. They'd never summoned a demon before so they didn't know what they were getting themselves into... The whole house started to shake violently, picture frames fell from the walls, they could here glass start to shatter until none were left hanging. There was a whirling noise that kept getting louder and louder until the demon showed himself.

"Well, if it isn't John and Dean Winchester." The demon smirked at the sight of the two frightened men.

"We need to talk." Growled Dean.

"We need to get Sam back...." Whispered John.

The light coming the window made the yellow of the demons eyes glow as he asked "And how does this concern me?"

"We want to make a deal..." John said reluctantly.

"Ohhhh.. a deal? What sort of deal might that be?" The yellow eyed demon asked as he chuckled.

"We need you to get rid of Sam's girlfriend... Her name is Jessica Moore."
Dean explained.

"Ohhhh really now?" The demon was suspicious of their motives. "Why?"

"Look, do want my soul or not?" Dean asked angrily.

"Ohh is that what I'm getting in return? In that case..." The demon leaned into Dean. Dean leaned in and their lips met, sealing the deal.

The house begun to shake again and before they could say anything else the demon disappeared to carry out the task he was given.

YellowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora