Dean comes clean.

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Dean stood before the corrupt angel with the first blade in his hand. Ready to drive it into metatron's torso. Ready to feel the warmth of the angel's blood slowly trickle down his fingers. He could hear metatron's blood pulsing through his veins. His hand started to shake as he got closer and closer to metatron.

"Ohhh... If it isn't Dean Winchester.." Metatron chuckled.

Dean was almost whispering when he said "Metatron.."

"What do you want, Dean?" Metatron said with the faintest hint of irritation in his voice.

"I want you dead.." Dean growled.

"Dead? Why? What have I done that's so wrong?" Metatron asked.

"What have you done that's so wrong?! Are you serious?! What haven't you done wrong??" Dean yelled.

"Oh yeah and you're an angel. You think I don't know what you did?? How you got Sam to continue the family business?? You're not so innocent yourself, Dean." Metatron said. He knew by bringing up Jess' death he'd hit a nerve.

"You have no right to bring that up! I've always been there for Sam. Always!" Dean said through the tears that we're starting to well up in his eyes.

"You're sick.." Metatron whispered.

Dean lunged towards metatron and barely made a slice in his arm before metatron through him against a wall. Dean immediately jumped to his feet, blade in hand an started for metatron.

"Dean... Do you really think you stand a chance against me?" Shouted metatron.

Dean gripped the blade tighter and went for metatron again. This time metatron threw Dean against the wall even harder. Dean's body lay at an awkward angle. 

"Dean.. It's best you just give up." Metatron whispered.

Metatron turned and left.

"Dean!" Sam yelled as he ran for his injured brother.

"Sam.." Dean whispered. He could barely talk.

"Dean, hold on! You're gonna be ok!" Sam said.

"No.. Sam.." Dean was still whispering.

"Dean... You're gonna make it!" Sam said.

"No... I don't deserve to..." Dean was crying.

"What are you talking about?!" Sam was confused.. He thought maybe it was just the blade making his brother delirious.

Dean choked on his own blood and could barely say "It's Jess......" 

Sam looked at his big brother even more confused now as he said "Jess? What? What about her?"

Dean knew know that what they did was wrong. He knew Sam would hate him after he told him. But he knew he needed to tell Sam the truth so he continued. "We just wanted you back.."

Sam still didn't know what his brother was trying to say. "Dean, what are you talking about?"

Dean looked into his baby brother's eyes as he choked out the words. "He killed her.."

"What?" Sam started to ask but was interrupted.

Dean could feel the life leaving his body. "I made a deal.... With a demon... He killed Jess so we could get you back into the family business... Thought if we gave you another reason to want to kill the yellow eyed demon we could get you back..." Dean said through his tears.

"Dean... How could you?!" Sam Said. He could feel his blood start to get hot.

"We thought we could get you back. We needed you." Dean said.

"I needed her! I loved her! Dean, I was going to ask her to marry me!!!" Sam yelled.

"Sam.." Dean whispered.

"No. Just stop, Dean. I mean.. How could you?! Jess was the only bit of happiness I ever had. I was building a life. How could you take that away from me?!" Sam was screaming.

Dean whispered again. "Sam, I'm sorry."

Sam didn't even want to see his brother. "Dean... How could you.." Sam's heart started to race. How could his big brother, his hero, do such a thing...? He could feel the rage start to build inside him.

Dean whispered. "I'm so sorry Sammy."

Sam got even more angry. "Shut it, Dean!" Sam could see how weak his brother was. He saw the blade just barely sitting in Dean's grip. He could feel it summoning him. Calling him. Wanting him. He slowly reached out and grabbed the knife.

"Sam.. What are you doing?" Dean was still whispering. He was so weak.

Sam could feel the rage flowing through his veins. Having the blade in his hand made him feel in control. He hated Dean. He hated Dean for having Jess killed. He hated Dean for hurting him. He hated that Dean couldn't just let him be. Let him be happy. The rage just kept growing. Festering. Until he couldn't take it anymore. Sam gripped the blade tightly in his hand. "Dean.. You took away my happiness. The only good thing I had. You killed her..."

Dean felt awful."Sammy... I'm so so sorry..."

Sam started to talk again. "It's too late for that Dean. You killed her.. And now... I'm going to kill you." Sam held the blade tightly as he thrust the tip of the blade into Dean's throat, he pushed and pushed the blade until only the handle stuck out from his big brothers neck.. Sam looked deep into Dean's eyes and watched what little life was still there, whither away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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