Chapter 1: Lilliana

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Trey POV

Laylas body is laying next to mine. I can hear her soft breaths as she sleeps, her hair is flaired out on the pillow, and a content smile is on her lips. Make up love making is so much more satisfying than make up sex. I dont know what I would have done if she had refused to marry me. I probably would have gone crazy. It's been a long ass seven years between us, but we made it. We fell down quite a few times, but we always got back up again. We had a beautiful son, and maybe there is another child on the way. A few hours ago, I was scared shitless of commitment, but at this moment in time, I couldnt be any happier with my life.

My bliss is interrupted by persistant knocking on our front door. Layla rustles a little in her sleep.

"I got it boo. Just go back too sleep." I tell her. She murmurs a little, then nods her head. She passes out instantly. I gently get up from the bed and slip into a pair of sweat pants. I leave our room, who ever is at the door is still knocking.

"Damn give me a second too get my ass down the stairs." I think to myself. I peak into Andreas's room on the way down the hall. He is awake, so I decide to grab him before going to see who is at the door. He smiles when he see's me. I pick him up from out of his crib and go down the stairs. I reach the front door and with Andreas in my arms I unlock and open it.

"Hey Trey", Monica whispers. She has a little girl that is standing next to her. "Meet your daughter."

"Wait what?!" What she says doesn't really register in my head for a minute.

"This is your daughter Trey." She says again. This can't be happening.

"How? We haven't been together for almost eight years now." I say.

"I was pregnant when I left you Trey." She says.

"Naw,I know that's some straight up bullshit. That kid looks nothing like me. This is my son, he looks almost exactly like me." I yell.

I refuse to let this thirsty ass hoe come up in my house and wreck my life. She has a saddened look on her face, but I know her too well. This bitch is just looking for money cause she chose to leave me for some broke ass dude. Well you know what, so sorry bitch. I don't give hand outs. Like is she serious right now? Trying to say her little bay bay is mine, hell naw.

"We can do whatever tests you want Trey. This little girl is yours. I'm really sick though Trey. I... I can't take care of her no more. You need to raise her now. I haven't asked a thing from you, but I need you to have your daughter now Trey. Please." She begs. Could this really be my child. Fuck this is going to screw shit with me and Layla up again.

"Aight, I don't know how I'm going to tell my girl this. I'm still doing tests. If she isn't mine, I'll hunt your ass down Monica. I swear I will." She nods in understanding. She then crouches down too her daughters level and gives her a big hug, the little girl who has been silent, now has big tears in her eyes. She throws her arms around her mother.

"Mommy! Please don't leave me. I love you so much. I promise I will be better... just don't leave me mommy." She pleads.

"I know baby." She says smoothing her daughters hair back and wiping tears from the little girls eyes. "I know you love me, and I love you too. I love you so much that it hurts, but mommy is really sick. I can't take care of you anymore baby girl. That's why daddy is going to take care of you. I promise your life will be so much better." She lets go of her daughter. Both of their faces are tear stained, and puffy. Standing now, she gives her daughter one last hug, and leaves. I can't help but feel for Monica, no matter how much I hate the bitch. If what she saying is true, and she really is sick, I couldn't imagine having to say goodbye to my son. Before he was born, it was nothing, but now that I have him... It's just unimaginable.

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