Gay ass faggot

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Chapter 15: Gay ass faggot

~Ty's POV~

"I don't wanna leave yet." I whine as we approach my pack entrance. He hugs me close to his chest and I grip his shirt in my hands. He's finally wearing shirts again, much to my disliking. He's wearing one of his jackets but he also gave me one. It's solid black with a white zipper and white jaw strings. It's large, warm and smells like him, going down to my mid thigh. "You look so cute and vulnerable in my jacket." Adam teases and eyes over me for what feels like the hundredth time today.

I roll my eyes at him, not saying anything. I wrap my arms around him torso again and laid my head on his chest, listening to the calming sound of his heart beat. He uses his index finger and middle finger to lift up my chin to meet he's eyes. He leans in and presses his lips against mine, he moves his tongue in my mouth and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer, I respond by wrapping my arms around his neck.

We pull back and just gaze into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever but in reality was probably only a few moments "I love you, you should go." Adam said "I love you too. See you tonight." I peck his cheek and he watches me entrance my pack.

"You need to get your shit together." Angel growled at me "back down Angel, I don't wanna listen to you nagging on me." I stand my ground. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Adam smirking at me, proving his point on me being vulnerable when he's around.

"That's not your jacket, where did you get that jacket?!" She growled "that's his isn't it! Isn't it!" I growled at her, telling her to back down, who gives a fuck if it's his jacket. If i wanna wear it. I can wear it. "So what if it is?" I sneer "don't you remember, he hurt Seto!" She growled "I remember, and I'm forgiving him for it." I glare at her "what happened to killing him the next time you saw him, what happened to hating him?!" She yelled "shut the fuck up, he's my mate so get use to it sunshine." I growl lowly at her.

"Mate?" She hisses out the word like it was poison. "Yes mate, I love him so get over it." I bark and walk away, into my den.

"Tyler, we wish to speak with you." My mother called, oh no, not right now. I turn towards my parents "honey, you know we want you to find a mate right?" My mother asked. I rolled my eyes, this talk again. I nodded "and how you deny every girl?" I nod again, slightly confused on what she's trying to get at. "Well, you father and I had taken it upon ourselves to find you a mate if you aren't, we have found you a mate and you will become mates in two weeks." My blood runs cold, what? What!

"What the hell, I'm not mating with her." I growled, glaring at my parents "you don't even know her, she's a very sweet girl, give her a chance." My mother begged. I almost gagged when she was talking about the wolf, I mean gross.

"I not saying she's a bad person, I'm saying I don't wanna mate with her, or any female for that matters." I said "and why not Tyler, we have do everything possible to make you happy with a mate?!" I can tell my mother is getting frustrated "because you never ask me what I want, you always try to pick someone for me, a female, but guess what, that's not what I want. I'm gay, so stop trying to mate me with females, it's revolting." I growl.

My mothers eyes widened as she stares at me "no, what's revolting is that you like males." Angel butts in for the den entrance. What the hell is wrong with her, she said she supported me, why deny it now "son, please tell me you're joking. Please." My father asked, almost begging me to say I'm straight.

"You want me to be straight, you want me to like females, but guess what, I don't. Sorry I couldn't be the son you wanted, actually, I'm not sorry. I'm happy with where I stand, I don't care if you don't accept me." I growl "and you," I point at Angel "you said you accepted me as being gay, you said you supported me, what the hell happened?!" I barked at her. She didn't respond, just continued flaring at me. "Answer me dammit!" I yelled "Tyler, I think you should leave." My mother said.

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